
Driven by Data and Collaboration

The collaborative spirit of our Hearing Restoration Project consortium is especially evident as we work together to complete a publication describing our analysis of hair cell gene expression.

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Scientists Discover Repair Process That Fixes Damaged Hair Cells

The hair cells deploy a protein called XIRP2, which can sense damage to the cores that are made of a substance called actin. The researchers found that XIRP2 first senses damage, then migrates to the damage site and repairs the cores by filling in new actin.

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Sounds Emitted by the Ear Provide a Window Onto the Cochlea’s Frequency Tuning

We demonstrated that sounds emitted by the ear—called otoacoustic emissions (OAEs), specifically distortion-product OAEs—may provide a noninvasive window onto cochlear frequency tuning. OAEs are a byproduct of the amplification process mediated by outer hair cells and are often measured in clinical hearing screenings.

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Our Sincere Thanks  to Peter Steyger, Ph.D.

HHF is dependent on and incredibly grateful to the clinicians and researchers like Peter who volunteer their time and expertise to reviewing grant applications, overseeing the Emerging Research Grants program, and informing our mission as the largest private, nonprofit funder of hearing and balance research in the U.S. 

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Staying in Tune: Music and Memories

Music can help to create rich and complex musical memories that are stored in multiple areas of the brain, which helps them become reinforced.

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Neural Test Assesses Hearing Aid Success Among Young Patients

Our results demonstrated that neural responses were sensitive to the improved audibility provided by hearing aids among the 5- to 17-year-old children assessed.

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Management of the Tinnitus and Hyperacusis Patient: 30th Annual Conference

This conference is intended for otologists, audiologists, psychologists, hearing aid specialists, and nurses who provide clinical management services for patients with tinnitus. The conference will also provide information to patients who have tinnitus, their family, and friends.

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Step Up for Science Match Through May 19

Every May, we invite our community to join us as we Step Up for Science in support of the ERG program, our flagship research effort—with a dollar for dollar match. Your gift goes twice as far.

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A Boost to Inner Ear Organoid Development

This paper explored the potential of the stem cell-derived inner ear organoid system for studying early mammalian placode development. The results will benefit future inner ear organoid applications, such as high-throughput drug screening and cell therapy. 

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Brain Health in the News

The better question may be, do hearing aids reduce dementia, or does dementia reduce hearing aid use? This is the title of a May 2023 Hearing Journal paper. 

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