Planned Giving

Through a planned gift, you can have a meaningful, long-term impact on HHF’s future. Below are the three most common, and simplest, ways to make a planned gift: All planned giving donors will be recognized as members of the Collette Ramsey Baker Society, unless anonymity is requested.


A bequest from either a will or living trust lets you pass any amount you wish to HHF free of estate tax. You can give cash, a percentage of your estate, or a percentage of a specific asset, with restrictions or without. Because bequests do not come to HHF until after your lifetime, you can change your mind at any time. Individuals can leave a legacy without giving up assets today.

  • If you would like to remember HHF in your will, here is sample language: “I bequeath (%) or ($) or (Specific Asset) of my estate to Hearing Health Foundation (Tax ID: 13-1882107) with a principal address of PO Box 1397, New York, NY 10018.”

  • Don’t have a will? HHF is delighted to help you create your legal will through a service called FreeWill. It's legally valid, 100% free to you, and most people finish in 20 minutes or less.

Beneficiary Designation of a Retirement Fund:

Most retirement plan assets are costly for heirs to inherit, because they may face double taxation. Qualified retirement plan funds may be designated to HHF tax-free. These gifts are simple to complete, requiring only a beneficiary designation form that can be obtained from your plan administrator

Beneficiary Designation of a Life Insurance Policy:

You can designate HHF as a partial or full beneficiary of an existing life insurance policy and, as a result, make a considerably larger gift than you thought possible — larger than if you were to donate the cash equivalent of the policy’s premiums.

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