The complicated nature of composing when I have hearing damage forms the back story for "Mt. Mundane," making it a deeply reflective journey that symbolizes the challenge of coming to terms with the permanent, ceaseless tinnitus that is my reality.
With a Little Help From My Friends
This has been a big challenge for me, due to my pain hyperacusis and tinnitus, but now I feel very happy to have been able to compose for and participate in performances once again.
Empowering Others Through My Journey With Pendred Syndrome
I am 16 years old and live in California. I was born with Pendred syndrome, which is why I have severe to profound, bilateral hearing loss and wear hearing aids.
We Exist
New Sounds, Thanks to Les Paul
The inventor of today’s recording techniques—with multiple ways to manipulate sound—would have been 109 this June 9. That would be Les Paul, the man whose signature is blazoned on the famous Gibson guitar.
Facing the Music
Let’s Take Care of Hearing Now
Teaching by example, a former Marine who served in Iraq helps his fellow veterans take of their health to avoid regrets later.
Staying in Tune: Music and Memories
Music can help to create rich and complex musical memories that are stored in multiple areas of the brain, which helps them become reinforced.
Spreading Awareness and Healing With Music
Whether your hearing loss is genetic or acquired through constant exposure to loud sounds, I stress the importance of getting a hearing checkup!
Notating Tinnitus
In the beginning all the sounds l was notating had a markedly sad or gloomy character. They were quite strange and some were even sinister. But then something unexpected happened: l woke up one morning hearing a happy tune full of vitality and hope. I felt a great joy and an inexplicable happiness.