News & Events

Advancing Research and Treatment for Ménière’s Disease

While significant challenges remain, ongoing efforts in genetic research, immunology, and clinical trials offer hope for better management and potential cures for Ménière’s disease in the future.

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Thank YOU Tuesday

Thank YOU Tuesday

Today, we want to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU to you and all our supporters who inspire us to push for scientific advancements. 

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Emerging Research Grants: Call for Applications

The Emerging Research Grants program is a competitive process that awards grants to only the most promising investigators. Recipients are exceptionally well-positioned to secure subsequent funding from major federal funders. In fact, ERG awardees (2002–present) have gone on to be awarded an average of $59 in federal research funding for every dollar of their ERG grant.

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Ménière’s Disease Symposium at ARO in February

The symposium aims to spur collaborative thinking and projects among Ménière’s disease researchers and clinicians to stimulate advances in better understanding and treating Ménière's disease

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Protect Your Ears With HHF’s New PSAs

Hearing Health Foundation is thrilled to launch its newest set of PSAs, “Protect Your Ears,” as part of our ongoing Keep Listening prevention campaign, whose overall goal is to create a culture shift around how we think about healthy hearing.

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The Hearing Restoration Project Adds a New Working Group

Given the need for platforms that provide efficient, reproducible, and reliable outcome measurements, the HRP has created a new, fourth working group this year: Screening.

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Meet the 2025 Emerging Research Grants Scientists

Congratulations to the 14 scientists awarded Emerging Research Grants for 2025.

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HHF Voices Concerns Over Proposed NIH Reorganization Plans

HHF urges caution if structural changes to the NIH will result in the shifting of resources away from already underfunded areas of research like hearing loss and related disorders.

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Collette and Christy: A Story About Friendship and Art

I discovered in the Smithsonian photographic archives of Howard Chandler Christy’s work the existence of two photos of what then appeared to be two separate portraits he painted of Collette Ramsey Baker in the late 1930s.

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Shouting From the Rooftops

We have been heartened by the increased mainstream media coverage of healthy hearing lately.

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