I turned my gaze inward instead of outwardly to seek answers and I began taking better care of myself, seeking personal growth opportunities, reconnecting to aspects of life that I loved, learning meditation, and seeking alternative therapies for my sudden hearing loss.
Why Do Prescription Hearing Aids Cost So Much?
Cost remains one of the most significant barriers to hearing aid uptake. At an average price of $4,000 a pair, hearing aids are prohibitive to many who need them. But what exactly determines hearing aid price, and why is there such a wide range?
Tackling Hidden Hearing Loss
Individuals with hidden hearing loss may have “normal” hearing on a typical audiogram but still struggle to comprehend speech, especially in noisy environments like crowded restaurants.
Dutch Artist Channels Hearing Challenges Into New Compositions and Purpose
The complicated nature of composing when I have hearing damage forms the back story for "Mt. Mundane," making it a deeply reflective journey that symbolizes the challenge of coming to terms with the permanent, ceaseless tinnitus that is my reality.
Protect Your Ears With HHF’s New PSAs
Hearing Health Foundation is thrilled to launch its newest set of PSAs, “Protect Your Ears,” as part of our ongoing Keep Listening prevention campaign, whose overall goal is to create a culture shift around how we think about healthy hearing.
How Inaccessible Public Venues Violate Disability Rights
For people with hearing loss, a lack of assistive listening devices in an auditorium is as much a barrier to enjoyment of a performance as a steep flight of stairs would be to someone with a mobility disorder.
Empowering Others Through My Journey With Pendred Syndrome
I am 16 years old and live in California. I was born with Pendred syndrome, which is why I have severe to profound, bilateral hearing loss and wear hearing aids.
HHF Voices Concerns Over Proposed NIH Reorganization Plans
HHF urges caution if structural changes to the NIH will result in the shifting of resources away from already underfunded areas of research like hearing loss and related disorders.
Let’s Hear It for Hearing Access in Public Spaces
There are a lot of people with hearing loss out there. We need to come together to tell the world how to accommodate our needs, and why. If we stay silent, we cannot expect anything to improve.
Shock and Then Purpose
Bruna’s diagnosis at age 9 months is Usher syndrome type 1B. It is a rare disease, a recessive inherited disease that we, her parents, had given to her. It is a disease that we had bypassed, but not our daughter.