A review of a memoir by Abigail Heringer, the first deaf contestant on “The Bachelor”
Surviving Usher Syndrome
I Heard My Footsteps
I wanted to create a story that not only celebrated the beauty of differences but also conveyed the importance of empathy and understanding. My heart was set on crafting a tale that could empower children with hearing loss while also educating their peers about the significance of inclusivity.
From Cancer Survivor to Hyperacusis Fighter
To cope, I use meditation to try to keep myself grounded, forget about yesterday, forget about tomorrow, and try to live each moment, the best I can. So when my head hits the pillow each night, the day was a success.
A Teen Turns Sudden Hearing Loss Into Magical Cookies
I felt like cookies would be a fun, relatable way to show that even though we’re different, we all have value.
The Challenge I Live With and Want to Share With You
I do feel like something is lost when older adults are put into what feels like isolation chambers due to our hearing ability. We have something unique to contribute from the perspective of our years, and I would like us to find a way as a society to allow us to do that.
How Losing My Hearing Taught Me to Listen
I turned my gaze inward instead of outwardly to seek answers and I began taking better care of myself, seeking personal growth opportunities, reconnecting to aspects of life that I loved, learning meditation, and seeking alternative therapies for my sudden hearing loss.
A Lesson in Self-Compassion After Fleeing a Bad Sound Situation
Hearing loss is definitely a challenge. It can separate us from hearing conversations, making us feel disconnected. But we try our best to do what’s necessary for our best hearing experience.
Dutch Artist Channels Hearing Challenges Into New Compositions and Purpose
The complicated nature of composing when I have hearing damage forms the back story for "Mt. Mundane," making it a deeply reflective journey that symbolizes the challenge of coming to terms with the permanent, ceaseless tinnitus that is my reality.
I Was Living in a World I Couldn’t Hear
If you have a hearing loss, get help. Get hearing aids. Your life will be so much better because of it. I know that, because mine is.