A New Mouse Model for Hearing Loss

A challenge in studying hair cell regeneration has been creating consistent and reliable ways to damage hair cells in laboratory mice. Overcoming this limitation, we developed a more uniform and effective method for hair cell death using the surgical delivery of a sisomicin antibiotic solution directly into the mouse inner ear.

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Shock and Then Purpose

Bruna’s diagnosis at age 9 months is Usher syndrome type 1B. It is a rare disease, a recessive inherited disease that we, her parents, had given to her. It is a disease that we had bypassed, but not our daughter.

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Collette and Christy: A Story About Friendship and Art

I discovered in the Smithsonian photographic archives of Howard Chandler Christy’s work the existence of two photos of what then appeared to be two separate portraits he painted of Collette Ramsey Baker in the late 1930s.

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We Are Not Alone

Reaching out, learning about different organizations, and continuing to learn everything I can has made huge differences.

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Auditory Cue Use Changes With Age?

The results of our research suggest that individual differences in the ability to use auditory cues in noise may contribute to the range of communication challenges experienced by older adults.

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How Deaf–Hearing Marriages Can Thrive

The deaf–hearing couples who are happy tend to have higher levels of tolerance for differences. They are more open to unconventional ways of coping, communicating, and problem solving.

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Stay Safe and Sound This Fourth of July

Independence Day is a celebration of our country’s birthday, and we’re so grateful for the service of our active members of the military and veterans—who are, as we know, disproportionately affected by hearing loss and tinnitus. But now evidence is emerging of additional, severe brain injuries affecting service members.

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A Cell Type–Specific Approach to Detail the Role of a Small Molecule in Hair Cells

Interestingly, some of the genes that were more active in the variant hair cells are typically more active in the supporting cells than in the hair cells. It could be that when miR-96 is a variant, some genes more specific to supporting cells, and which are typically kept turned off in hair cells, incorrectly become activated in hair cells. 

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We Exist

A Berklee-bound student shares: Yes, I’m hard of hearing. Yes, I’m a musician. We exist. 

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A Protocol for Investigating Hair Cell Regeneration in Birds

The avian inner ear can naturally regenerate sensory hair cells and is therefore an ideal candidate for investigating mechanisms leading to hair cell regeneration and functional recovery.

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