Despite lacking evidence for sympathetic overactivation in Ménière's disease, surgeons eagerly adopted sympathectomies, and later betahistine, and the latter is still commonly used outside the U.S. as treatment.
Cochlear Implants on the Court
College basketball’s winningest player of all time, Antonio Anderson lost his vision as well as his hearing from separate causes while only in his 20s. It cut his career short—but not his passion for the game.
I Got Hearing Aids, Now What?
It is important to continue to check in with your audiologist for routine maintenance on your hearing aids and to monitor your hearing loss. In addition, consider accessories that work with your hearing aid to enhance your hearing aid’s function or improve your listening experience.
Jack and the Crunchy Leaves
I wanted to create a story that would resonate with young children, guiding them and their families through the uncharted waters of hearing loss with empathy and understanding.
Understanding Inner Ear Fluid Buildup in Ménière’s Disease
Fluid buildup in the saccule and cochlear duct might be due to increased pressure, while the utricle might be better protected due to its thicker walls and functioning valve. This points to an inverse relationship between membrane thickness and fluid buildup, helping us better understand how fluid buildup occurs in Ménière's disease.
Keep Listening, Siga Escuchando
As a member of many Facebook groups in Spanish related to hearing condition issues, I feel that with Spanish translations of key pages, HHF can reach and bring help to a lot of people who are from Spanish-speaking countries.
How HearingTracker Came to Be
Ten years ago, an audiologist noticed how some patients were being fit with hearing aids not appropriate for their hearing, so he decided to do something about it.
Activación de Canales TRPA1 en la Cóclea: ¿Tapones de Oído Propios Después de la Exposición al Ruido?
Our researcher translated her paper’s summary into Spanish: ¿Alguna vez te has sentido sordo o con los oídos tapados después de estar en un lugar con mucho ruido? Junto a mi equipo de investigadores en la Universidad de Kentucky encontramos que los canales TRPA1 contribuyen a este fenómeno.
The Patient’s Journey, From the Audiologist’s Perspective
The patient’s journey getting hearing devices starts from the precontemplation stage through to maintenance and exit.
How I’m Teaching My Kids to Advocate for Themselves
While as a parent advocating for your child is important, teaching kids how to advocate for themselves is more impactful.