A review of a memoir by Abigail Heringer, the first deaf contestant on “The Bachelor”
Becoming “Hearing Doc Josh”
I love teaching students about cochlear implant technology. The look on their faces when things would “click” or they would solve a puzzle continues to inspire me.
Progress Forward
This newly graduated high school student who wears a cochlear implant is making plans to pay it forward.
Effects of Cochlear Implantation and Steroids on the Aging Guinea Pig Cochlea
The causes behind residual hearing loss following cochlear implantation are complex and varied. Studies such as this one provide clues as to what to focus on in order to improve the acoustic experience of cochlear implant recipients.
Lucky to Be Different
Continuing to Make Connections
I’ve been able to still send used cochlear implant processors from Australia to Iran. I have great friends and a lovely network that reaches kids in rural areas and even adults, people who have no support other than the kindness and compassion in other people.
Meet the 2024 Emerging Research Grants Scientists
As of this year, our general hearing health grants have been renamed Elizabeth M. Keithley, Ph.D. Early Stage Investigator Awards in recognition of Keithley’s impact on the field and long service to HHF, and the awards’ focus on supporting the next generation.
Cochlear Implants on the Court
College basketball’s winningest player of all time, Antonio Anderson lost his vision as well as his hearing from separate causes while only in his 20s. It cut his career short—but not his passion for the game.
How I’m Teaching My Kids to Advocate for Themselves
While as a parent advocating for your child is important, teaching kids how to advocate for themselves is more impactful.
Plum Blossoms and Perseverance
Plum blossom trees are important in Chinese culture because they bloom through cold winters, symbolizing perseverance. Throughout my childhood, perseverance has played a huge role in my story.