
Balance in Older Mice Relies on Specific Brain Cells

This study suggests that this class of neurons may compensate for age-related loss of vestibular function to maintain balance performance in older animals.

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How Dizzy’s Smokehouse Got Its Name

I have bilateral Ménière’s disease and at times have suffered greatly from the vertigo attacks and subsequent symptoms afterward, so HHF’s mission is near and dear to my heart and I’d like to contribute a little here and there.

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A Historical Review of Ménière’s Disease Treatments

Despite lacking evidence for sympathetic overactivation in Ménière's disease, surgeons eagerly adopted sympathectomies, and later betahistine, and the latter is still commonly used outside the U.S. as treatment.

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Balance Problems? Loud Sounds Could Be a Cause

Have you ever felt dizzy, nauseous, or unsteady on your feet after leaving a loud concert? That could be the balance organ inside your inner ear reacting to the loud sounds.

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An Explanation for Divergent Test Results in Ménière’s Disease

We also found that the size of the semicircular canal in some Ménière's disease ears was smaller than the control ears. This suggests that the relative size of the inner ear structures may play a role in the development of the condition

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Make Peace With Earwax

Ideally, earwax takes care of itself. The number one thing to do with regard to earwax is to do nothing.

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Sleeping With My Hearing Ear Up

About 18 years ago, I woke up one morning with extreme vertigo, or dizziness, and then later noticed that my hearing was decreasing in both ears. I also had some shooting pain in my cheeks/facial nerves. A couple of days later, I realized I had tinnitus (ringing in the ears), and it was so loud early on—or at least so new to me—that it would wake me up and keep me up at night.

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I’m 24 and Have Hearing and Balance Challenges

During my third year at University of Michigan, where I was studying biochemistry and French, I became aware of an unfamiliar, jarring sensation—extreme dizziness. If I closed my eyes for just a little bit, I’d feel my surroundings spinning. It was around the same time I recognized my difficulties hearing in large lecture halls.

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A Historical Perspective on Surgery to Treat Ménière’s Disease

Since it was first discovered, Ménière’s disease has been a disorder managed primarily by otolaryngologists. As a result, surgical treatments have accompanied attempts at medical management. Inspired by patients' sensations of ear fullness and later by the histologic findings of hydrops, surgeons began manipulating the membranous labyrinth to relieve episodes of vertigo while attempting to preserve hearing.

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Postural and Head Control Given Different Environmental Contexts

Fall risk in people with hearing loss has been shown in older adults, and our pilot data suggest balance impairments in people with single-sided hearing are more likely to arise in older participants with moderate dizziness.

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