CI kids are not disabled. The handicaps are not the cochlear implants but rather the low awareness of the parents and caregivers around them. I believe immensely in the possibilities these children have and find that adversity is an opportunity. When CI kids push themselves to achieve greater things, the sky's the limit.
6 Ways to Raise Youth Awareness of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss
Up to one in five school-aged children (ages 12–19 years) has measurable hearing loss as a result of excessive noise exposure. Noise-induced hearing loss not only affects a child's hearing ability but their academic performance, social interactions, and overall mental health and well-being.
‘Hear’ I Am
I wrote a book, “Hear I Am,” several years ago about helping people with hearing loss and other disabilities to be able to graduate from college and work at a job with the proper accommodations in place. In the book I model through examples about how I persevered in college and then in the workplace.
A Meaningful Mission
Abe is doing a fundraiser for HHF as part of his bar mitzvah project. “It makes total sense to support this mission that means so much to my family and me,” he says.
The Blast From Building New York City’s Second Avenue Subway
Eventually, by changing my perspective about the tinnitus sound I’ve been able to arrive at some peace. Also, when I first heard the blast I started painting and have continued on and off for several years. It has pulled me from despair.
Protect Your Future With National Estate Planning Awareness Week
Have you considered planning for your future? October 19th-25th is National Estate Planning Awareness Week, a moment when Americans are encouraged to protect the things they love and plan for their futures by creating an estate plan.
New HHF Video Series Features Powerful Interviews About Hearing Loss and Tinnitus
In a new video series launching during October’s National Protect Your Hearing Month, Hearing Health Foundation (HHF) explores the stories of people from all walks of life who describe their day-to-day struggles dealing with noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) and tinnitus.
Heart Health and Hearing Health Are Not Mutually Exclusive
I recently donated to Hearing Health Foundation (HHF) for the first time. When I came across your organization, I knew I wanted to support it. I’m a musician, and I’m really passionate about research efforts on hearing restoration.
Understanding Hearing Loss From Noise Damage Through Gene Expression Changes
Findings suggest several FDA-approved drugs, such as a common diabetes medication and anesthetics, could protect from noise-induced hearing loss.
Meet the HRP Working Groups
The Hearing Restoration Project consortium model has, since its start, centered on team science, collaboration, and the faster exchange of data. To further energize this approach and facilitate even closer interaction, including among HRP researchers’ postdoctoral researchers and other lab members, the HRP decided at its annual meeting to reorganize its research into three working groups.