Cochlear Implants

Advanced Imaging Sheds Light on Inner Ear Scarring

Because of the increased network depth, upscaled input resolution, and the ability to perform well in a limited data setting, our new imaging model aided by machine learning outperformed previous state-of-the-art models predicting cochlear implant success outcomes.

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Can a Simple Cost-Saving Method Improve Hearing Healthcare?

One cost assessment method that has been increasingly used in medical literature is called “time-driven activity-based costing.” TDABC allows for a detailed step-by-step analysis of a process and its costs, which helps identify opportunities for reducing unnecessary costs and streamlining the process. 

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14 Best Travel Tips for Families With Cochlear Implants

Going on trips with kids with hearing loss requires a little bit more forethought but is well worth the effort.

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Verifying a Novel Method for Assessing Speech Motor Skills in Children With Cochlear Implants

By combining principles and tools from engineering and computer science with cognitive and linguistic science, we envision developing robotic devices to deliver speechlike patterns of somatosensory input to the vocal tracts of children who use cochlear implants as they learn to listen to speech sounds through their implant processor.

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From Dark Days to a Bright Future

Networking among parents of children with cochlear implants who live all over the world leads to a solution for a young girl.

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We Believe ‘CI Kids’ Can Do Anything

CI kids are not disabled. The handicaps are not the cochlear implants but rather the low awareness of the parents and caregivers around them. I believe immensely in the possibilities these children have and find that adversity is an opportunity. When CI kids push themselves to achieve greater things, the sky's the limit.

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Hearing Is Believing

I lost my hearing suddenly and in both ears at age 21. It was May 1957. I was on lunch break with friends and heading back to the Boston ad agency where we worked. Suddenly I pitched forward, losing my balance. The hearing in my left ear disappeared. Days later, my right ear lost nearly all hearing too.

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Cochlear Implants: The Miracle Ears

In the hospital, our daughter, Saghar, passed the otoacoustic emissions (OAE) test, while our son, Sina, needed a follow up after failing his. The doctors indicated there might have been amniotic fluid left behind his eardrums. Always an optimist, I didn’t give Sina’s test results a second thought. However, Keyvan has always been a realist. He was worried. He was right to be.

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Tuning In Montreal

A new policy championed by William Steinberg, mayor of Hampstead, Quebec—a suburb of Montreal—aims to make CIs more accessible to Canadians.

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Ready to Take On the World

Beginning at age 4, I had ear pain that caused recurrent infections. My mother, worried, took me to multiple ear specialists, the fourth of whom warned these infections could result in a conductive hearing loss.

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