hearing protection

A Primer on Hearing Protection

The impact of noise on hearing depends on both volume and duration. The louder the noise, the faster it can cause damage.

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From Cancer Survivor to Hyperacusis Fighter

To cope, I use meditation to try to keep myself grounded, forget about yesterday, forget about tomorrow, and try to live each moment, the best I can. So when my head hits the pillow each night, the day was a success. 

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Protect Your Ears With HHF’s New PSAs

Hearing Health Foundation is thrilled to launch its newest set of PSAs, “Protect Your Ears,” as part of our ongoing Keep Listening prevention campaign, whose overall goal is to create a culture shift around how we think about healthy hearing.

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Turning Down the Noise of Combat

Sound suppression technology is the latest innovation in military weaponry. While hearing protection is still a must, each bit of reduction is significant.

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Let’s Take Care of Hearing Now

Teaching by example, a former Marine who served in Iraq helps his fellow veterans take of their health to avoid regrets later.

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A Pioneer in Hearing Conservation

As the first audiology officer in the U.S. Navy in 1979, Herman Kidder, Ph.D., helped establish the Navy’s Hearing Conservation Program.

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Watching ‘Star Wars’ With Common Sense

To determine a noise rating, we could analyze the frequency of explosions—say, how many blasts per minute, on average—and the overall sound level of a film.

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Amplifying the Message of Hearing Health

In collaboration with HHF and our #KeepListening prevention campaign, Slipknot drummer Jay Weinberg’s public service announcement reached a combined audience of over 200K across Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook.

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If Only We Could See the Noise Exposure

With a noisy holiday on the horizon (hello, fireworks!), let’s remember how too much noise poses a risk to our hearing and overall well-being, and how we should protect our hearing, for life.

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The Surprising Cause of My Tinnitus

This ominous ringing seemed to recede when I was preoccupied with something else, but it returned in force as soon as nothing else was distracting me, and it was always (seemingly) there, not loud enough to interfere with my life really, but distracting and worrisome.

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