Right now we are actively recruiting volunteers with hearing loss to participate in an outpatient research study to understand the genes that cause non-syndromic autosomal dominant hearing loss (DFNA).
Let’s Welcome 2024 With a Leap Toward Discovery
As we jump into 2024, a leap year with an extra day in February, we want to extend our warmest wishes for a year filled with health, happiness, and the sounds of joy.
We Are Proud of Our Charity Ratings
We know that these independent assessments of a nonprofit organization’s fiscal responsibility are important to donors who rely on them to evaluate where to allocate their dollars. We work hard to maintain these top marks.
Continuing to Make Connections
I’ve been able to still send used cochlear implant processors from Australia to Iran. I have great friends and a lovely network that reaches kids in rural areas and even adults, people who have no support other than the kindness and compassion in other people.
Lo Que He Aprendido de Mis Pacientes con Hiperacusia
Los pacientes con hiperacusia dolorosa no están sobreprotegiendo sus oídos. Ellos están tratando de sobrevivir. El sonido en realidad activa los receptores del dolor, y eso puede provocar reacciones catastróficas. Sin una suficiente protección, ellos pueden fácilmente empeorar.
A New Definition of Noise
It’s official. Noise is unwanted and/or harmful sound. I hope that awareness of the facts that wanted noise can cause auditory damage and that unwanted noise is stressful will help us achieve a quieter world.
What I Have Learned From My Hyperacusis Patients
Pain hyperacusis patients are not overprotecting their ears. They are trying to survive. Sound is actually activating pain receptors, and it can cause catastrophic reactions. As an audiologist, I now know it’s wrong to tell pain hyperacusis patients to stop wearing earplugs or earmuffs or to initiate sound therapy.
Sudden Hearing Loss Happened to Me, Too
I even gave a pastor friend a title for a Sunday sermon because when I shared with him that I couldn't hear in one ear, I said, “I'm great, blessed, and I've learned to ‘function with my malfunction.’”
Sharing Stories, Solutions, and Support
Turning Down the Noise of Combat
Sound suppression technology is the latest innovation in military weaponry. While hearing protection is still a must, each bit of reduction is significant.