hearing loss prevention — Blog — Hearing Health Foundation

hearing loss prevention

To Create a Culture Shift About Healthy Hearing, Start Young (and Other Key Strategies)

Finding answers to fundamental questions—such as, “Why does this age group enjoy loud sounds?,” “What impact does hearing damage have on this age group?,” “What will truly motivate them to use hearing protection devices?”—will help develop effective and sustainable hearing conservation programs.

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Spanish Translations of HHF Website Pages, Thanks to NYCTutoring.com

Our information about noise-induced hearing loss and tinnitus can reach a greater audience when translated into Spanish, thanks to NYCTutoring.com’s translation service.

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Protecting Your Hearing Is Actually NOT That Hard

You may have noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) and not even realize it. By taking steps to prevent NIHL—which is easy once you know what to do—you can protect yourself from linked health consequences into the future.

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