I learned that little was known about the mechanisms causing tinnitus, and treatments were hard to test because they seemed to have very different effects on different people. Researchers call this heterogeneity, and it simply means that your tinnitus is likely different from mine.
Working With Tinnitus
Work is an important part of one’s social environment and often provides a sense of achievement and self-worth. However, the data we’ve collected at Tinnitus Hub shows that more than a third—38 percent—of people who say they have tinnitus say that the condition has negatively affected their work prospects.
Does Tinnitus Differ With Age?
As with hearing loss, tinnitus becomes more common with age; more than a quarter of those over 65 say they have some form of tinnitus, according to a 2011 Hearing Review report. We wondered, how are older people affected, and how do they cope?