This year, I had a realization. I realized that there are so many wonderful things awaiting me beyond the confines of my tinnitus. I made a conscious decision to refocus my energy on living a fulfilling life.
Scientists Discover Repair Process That Fixes Damaged Hair Cells
The hair cells deploy a protein called XIRP2, which can sense damage to the cores that are made of a substance called actin. The researchers found that XIRP2 first senses damage, then migrates to the damage site and repairs the cores by filling in new actin.
What Is Inclusion, Really?
Being kind and courteous to everyone we meet, even when they aren’t kind to us, is hard. Believing people’s experiences and perceptions, even when they don’t match your own, is hard.
Let’s Take Care of Hearing Now
Teaching by example, a former Marine who served in Iraq helps his fellow veterans take of their health to avoid regrets later.
Stamps Featuring Hearing Loss for National Postage Stamp Day
While we all know that collecting postage stamps, known as philately, is a popular hobby, there is a category of stamps many may not be aware of: stamps featuring hearing loss.
My Hope Is to Turn Pain Into Progress
Most of my life I had no ear problems. I never thought about the noise I was exposed to, certainly never in terms of the grave hazard and enormous threat that I now know it to be.
Sounds Emitted by the Ear Provide a Window Onto the Cochlea’s Frequency Tuning
We demonstrated that sounds emitted by the ear—called otoacoustic emissions (OAEs), specifically distortion-product OAEs—may provide a noninvasive window onto cochlear frequency tuning. OAEs are a byproduct of the amplification process mediated by outer hair cells and are often measured in clinical hearing screenings.
Poem: The Bewitched Ear
When she first came out I didn’t think / she was in my head. / The florescent in the laundry room needs fixing.
Our Sincere Thanks to Peter Steyger, Ph.D.
HHF is dependent on and incredibly grateful to the clinicians and researchers like Peter who volunteer their time and expertise to reviewing grant applications, overseeing the Emerging Research Grants program, and informing our mission as the largest private, nonprofit funder of hearing and balance research in the U.S.
Staying in Tune: Music and Memories
Music can help to create rich and complex musical memories that are stored in multiple areas of the brain, which helps them become reinforced.