Personal Stories

From Denial to Pride

At the age of 36, I have less than three degrees of peripheral vision, very severe night blindness to the point where I almost can’t function without assistance, and some hearing loss that makes it necessary to wear hearing aids.

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A Passion for Public Speaking

I went from being a severely hearing-impaired baby with an unsure future to being a state public speaking champion multiple times over. To share my passion for public speaking, during high school I hosted many workshops to inspire others to overcome their fear of public speaking.

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My BAHA Is My Superpower

I was born with Nager syndrome. It is a rare genetic disorder that includes conductive hearing loss, which delays speech development and affects the structure of a face.

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In Memoriam: Bryan Pollard of Hyperacusis Research

Bryan Pollard single-handedly created an entirely new diagnosis in the field of otology—pain hyperacusis—and worked tirelessly on behalf of those who suffered from it. He would become the most prominent patient-activist and the driving force for promoting research nationally focused on this condition.

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What If We Heard Tinnitus as an Orchestra?

Isaiah, age 15, expresses his experience of tinnitus as that of an alien orchestra performing in his ear. I use the musical performance theme and musical references throughout my graphic novel.

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How I Manage My Tinnitus (in Hopes You Can Too)

Remember that you are not alone. Stay positive. Take action to manage your tinnitus. My advice: try hearing aids with tinnitus therapy and other masking techniques (like a sound machine), join support groups, and shift your focus and stay busy.

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If Only We Could See the Noise Exposure

With a noisy holiday on the horizon (hello, fireworks!), let’s remember how too much noise poses a risk to our hearing and overall well-being, and how we should protect our hearing, for life.

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Let’s Bring Bling to Hearing!

Wouldn't it be cool if manufacturers of hearing aids partnered with designers like Gucci and Prada to make beautiful hearing aids, much like designer eyeglass frames?

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How We Got Our Dad to Say Yes to Hearing Aids (With Some Help From Aristotle)

Aristotle’s three appeals—ethos, logos, and pathos—helped us get our dad into an audiologist's office.

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How My Hearing Loss Inspired My Tech Career

Being born with bilateral profound hearing loss to two Deaf parents and having one hard of hearing sister meant a life of constant misunderstandings and questions.

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