As someone hard of hearing, I intimately understand the challenges of a world not always designed for me. This drives my mission to advocate for better access and representation.
A Board Game to Boost Communication
In 2018, while serving time in a New York prison, I committed to a path of self-reinvention and education. Despite the challenges of living with genetic disorders, a speech impediment, and a history of adversity, I made the decision to change my life by learning.
Becoming “Hearing Doc Josh”
I love teaching students about cochlear implant technology. The look on their faces when things would “click” or they would solve a puzzle continues to inspire me.
Swag and Spirit
A parent celebrates her son and is teaching others about being hard of hearing, how to help with hearing care, and how there’s no limit to success.
How My Hearing Loss Inspired My Tech Career
Being born with bilateral profound hearing loss to two Deaf parents and having one hard of hearing sister meant a life of constant misunderstandings and questions.
I’m 24 and Have Hearing and Balance Challenges
During my third year at University of Michigan, where I was studying biochemistry and French, I became aware of an unfamiliar, jarring sensation—extreme dizziness. If I closed my eyes for just a little bit, I’d feel my surroundings spinning. It was around the same time I recognized my difficulties hearing in large lecture halls.
Memories and Music: My Life as a Real-Life ‘CODA’
I cannot tell you how many times in my 32 years people have asked me, “What is it like to have parents who are deaf?” My answer has always been the same, regardless of who is asking or how old I am, “What is it like to have hearing parents?”
Doing My Part to Break Sound Barriers
In September 2020, I conducted my own fundraiser for Hearing Health Foundation (HHF) online. I don’t live with a hearing and balance condition and do not have any family members affected. Rather, I became inspired to help after a very memorable elementary school experience.
17 Misconceptions About People with Hearing Loss
Misconceptions about people with hearing loss are commonplace – some are antiquated stereotypes, while others just incorrect assumptions. It’s easy enough to get the wrong idea, as hearing loss can be an invisible disability – unlike the wheelchair that signals a mobility challenge.
New Connections
I am remaining social and engaged in the world from the safety and comfort of my home. This is so important to do when you have a hearing loss. For almost three decades—since I was in my early 50s working as a secretary in a bank—I’ve so appreciated the value of hearing aids to stay connected and to be able to function. Now, I’m feeling immensely grateful for electronic communication, too.