
10 Tinnitus Triggers You Should Know

Although the exact cause of tinnitus is not always clear, there are several known triggers that can contribute to the development or exacerbation of this condition. 

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How I Manage My Tinnitus (in Hopes You Can Too)

Remember that you are not alone. Stay positive. Take action to manage your tinnitus. My advice: try hearing aids with tinnitus therapy and other masking techniques (like a sound machine), join support groups, and shift your focus and stay busy.

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5 Ways to Lower Your Risk for Tinnitus

Tinnitus is the perception of ringing or buzzing in the ears, without an external sound source. As an audiologist, I have been treating it for nearly three decades. Here are five easy ways you can keep your ears as healthy as possible against tinnitus.

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Healthy Diet May Lower Risk of Hearing Loss in Women

Roland Eavey, M.D..jpeg

Roland Eavey, M.D. (1987–88 ERG), the chair of the otolaryngology department at Vanderbilt University coauthored a report in The Journal of Nutrition on May 11, 2018, that showed women with healthier diets had a lower risk of hearing loss. The healthier diets emphasized fruits, vegetables, fish, seafood, nuts, beans, legumes, and olive oil over dairy, meat, and poultry. The longitudinal study spanning 22 years and including more than 70,000 women showed those with a better eating habits cut their risk for moderate or worse hearing loss by 30 percent. —Yishane Lee 

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