While we all know that collecting postage stamps, known as philately, is a popular hobby, there is a category of stamps many may not be aware of: stamps featuring hearing loss.
Staying in Tune: Music and Memories
Music can help to create rich and complex musical memories that are stored in multiple areas of the brain, which helps them become reinforced.
Silence Is Bliss With a Few Home Adjustments
For hyperacusis patients, or people who have a sensitivity to everyday sounds, common household sounds can be a significant challenge, whether it’s a door closing or cooking a meal.
The Ups and Downs of Being Hard of Hearing
If I may speak for all of us with a hearing condition, I ask our family, friends, and folks we interact with on an everyday basis to please be patient.
A Pioneer in Hearing Conservation
As the first audiology officer in the U.S. Navy in 1979, Herman Kidder, Ph.D., helped establish the Navy’s Hearing Conservation Program.
Hope for Moms When Your Child Is Diagnosed with Hearing Loss
I’m now passionate about helping other moms live their own story of hope and healing amidst hearing loss in their children. I understand how overwhelming it feels for a mom to receive that first diagnosis that your child has hearing loss.
Adventures and Revelations From Getting Hearing Aids
Contemporary hearing aids are virtually invisible, and since everyone has things sticking in and around their ears these days, it’s a non-event.
Research Pioneers Help Us Sustain Our Science
One way to help all those with hearing conditions is to become a Research Pioneer, a special group of friends who give a monthly gift to support HHF. Research Pioneers provide predictable funding we can count on to fund life-changing scientific breakthroughs.
Hearing Better Can Help You Think Better
Describing hearing loss as a risk factor for dementia is “true under the strict epidemiologic definition of ‘risk,’” but the lay public may misunderstand risk as implying “a warning about an impending adverse event.”
Spreading Awareness and Healing With Music
Whether your hearing loss is genetic or acquired through constant exposure to loud sounds, I stress the importance of getting a hearing checkup!