sign language

Using Personal Experience to Drive Change

As someone hard of hearing, I intimately understand the challenges of a world not always designed for me. This drives my mission to advocate for better access and representation.

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A Board Game to Boost Communication

In 2018, while serving time in a New York prison, I committed to a path of self-reinvention and education. Despite the challenges of living with genetic disorders, a speech impediment, and a history of adversity, I made the decision to change my life by learning.

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Hearing With Humor

Sometimes, communication snafus can be comedy gold.

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Humming Again

I realized that the learning process undertaken by new cochlear implant recipients is analogous to the way infants learn language, advancing as repeated words emerge from a bewildering stream of noise.

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I’m 24 and Have Hearing and Balance Challenges

During my third year at University of Michigan, where I was studying biochemistry and French, I became aware of an unfamiliar, jarring sensation—extreme dizziness. If I closed my eyes for just a little bit, I’d feel my surroundings spinning. It was around the same time I recognized my difficulties hearing in large lecture halls.

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Doing My Part to Break Sound Barriers

In September 2020, I conducted my own fundraiser for Hearing Health Foundation (HHF) online. I don’t live with a hearing and balance condition and do not have any family members affected. Rather, I became inspired to help after a very memorable elementary school experience.

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17 Misconceptions About People with Hearing Loss

Misconceptions about people with hearing loss are commonplace – some are antiquated stereotypes, while others just incorrect assumptions. It’s easy enough to get the wrong idea, as hearing loss can be an invisible disability – unlike the wheelchair that signals a mobility challenge.

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