COVID-19 — Blog — Hearing Health Foundation


A Teen Turns Sudden Hearing Loss Into Magical Cookies

I felt like cookies would be a fun, relatable way to show that even though we’re different, we all have value.

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Travel to Get Easier for Telecoil Users

In the past year or so there's been an explosion of what could be industry-altering hearing loop news in the field of transportation, ready to go for us for when we’re all fully back on the road.

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I, and My Spirit, Resigned

I was relieved to be part of the industry that not only I understood, but understood me. They promoted the company culture of helping those with hearing loss with pride. And their culture of “white tech” immediately began to show.

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Making Peace With the Crickets in My Ears

My tinnitus comes in waves, and I’ve been living with it now for more than six years. In case you don’t know, tinnitus is the sensation of ringing in the ears when an external sound source isn’t actually present.

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Careful Decisions: My Experiences With Hearing Loss and Hyperacusis

When my husband, Rich picked up on my hearing loss, I was neither interested nor compelled to do any research to solve the problem. I conceded he was right and went for a quick fix. And so, over 20 years ago, I made my very first hearing aid purchase, hastily and out of pure necessity.

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Do Transparent Face Coverings Help With Communication?

Shortly after the pandemic began, we began collecting various types of face coverings (transparent and nontransparent) to study the sound quality using a broad noise presented through a styrofoam mannequin head with a speaker mounted in its mouth.

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From Macrame to Masks

This adjustable elastic was designed for those with special needs, such as those with autism and wearers of hearing aids. The principal is simple: One strap goes around the neck, the other one around the head. The problem was the bottom elastic—it gets caught in the hearing aids and the elastic turns into a slingshot.

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COVID-19 and Hearing Loss, Tinnitus, and Vertigo

Over the past year of the COVID-19 pandemic, case reports and studies have suggested a link between the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 and hearing loss and related conditions.

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Finding a “New Normal” After Sudden Single-Sided Deafness

Michael Goldsmith realized he had lost his hearing in his left ear when he woke up from his medically induced coma in March 2020. His account demonstrates the learning process and journey to a cochlear implant when sudden deafness occurs as just one part of a more complex medical situation.

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Doing My Part to Break Sound Barriers

In September 2020, I conducted my own fundraiser for Hearing Health Foundation (HHF) online. I don’t live with a hearing and balance condition and do not have any family members affected. Rather, I became inspired to help after a very memorable elementary school experience.

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