Hearing loss came into my life when I was a college junior. I would not have recognized my issues had I not been taking a class in speech education that included a unit on communication disorders.
Does Tinnitus Differ With Age?
As with hearing loss, tinnitus becomes more common with age; more than a quarter of those over 65 say they have some form of tinnitus, according to a 2011 Hearing Review report. We wondered, how are older people affected, and how do they cope?
If It Sounds Too Good to Be True, It Probably Is
Before you turn over your hard-earned money, read on for information from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on how to recognize and report investment fraud and financial scams. Hearing Health Foundation (HHF) spoke with the SEC’s Charu Chandrasekhar and Owen Donley.
Out of the Box
Even though I work with individuals with disabilities, starting the process of treating my hearing loss feels like I’ve been thrown into a new world about which I know so little. After my hearing test and official diagnosis, I was shown a few hearing aid models to choose a pair. Simple, right?
New NIDCD Director Debara Tucci Is Committed to Hearing Protection
Debara L. Tucci, M.D., M.S., M.B.A., became the director of the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), on September 3, 2019. Dr. Tucci was funded twice by Hearing Health Foundation’s Emerging Research Grants (ERG) program in the 1990s.
Size Control of the Inner Ear Through Fluid Pressure
In our paper published in the journal eLife on Oct. 1, 2019, we examined how this balloon grows into the more complex ear. Our work helped us formulate a new mathematical theory on how ear growth in animals is controlled.
ERG Applications Open Monday, October 14
Hearing Health Foundation (HHF)’s next Emerging Research Grants (ERG) grant cycle is approaching its start. HHF is especially pleased to announce a significant increase in funding available for our future ERG grantees.
Inside My Head
My difficulty became noticeable when I was working as a newspaper reporter in the late 1990s. I could manage okay on the phone but had trouble following conversations in person if there was any ambient noise. Crowd situations were unbearable.
Combined Federal Campaign: Show Some Love
It’s easy to give to Hearing Health Foundation (HHF) through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). In 2018 donors pledged a total of more than $90 million through the CFC, the workplace giving program for current and retired federal and military personnel.
A Wonderful Stroke of Luck
My stroke eliminated the 20-year age difference between Bruce and me, making me older than him in some ways. I was supposed to be pushing him around in a wheelchair at this stage of our lives. He is, after all, 94 years old.