I currently work with a mouse model with hearing fluctuation and have a clinical protocol that is performing deep phenotyping of patients with hearing instability, including patients with Ménière’s disease.
More Like a Boost
Lucky to Be Different
Hearing With Humor
To Me, I Am the Lucky One
I knew how uncomfortable deafness could make people. What I hadn’t expected were some of the reactions my hearing aids got. To me, the hearing aids were life-changing. To me, I was the lucky one.
Are There Benefits to Hearing Loss?
Once I realized that hearing loss isn’t anything to be ashamed of, little by little, I started to speak up for myself. The more I did, the more confident I felt. This confidence has reached all areas of my life.
Telecoil Plus Bluetooth, Please
We need both Bluetooth and telecoils in our hearing devices to take advantage of all the hearing situations we encounter so that sound can reach our ears, with clarity.
Why I Love Both My Hearing Aids
I am so grateful to be able to hear again. The use of two new hearing aids helped my brain to better coordinate sounds, and when I wear these new aids the annoying tinnitus is barely noticeable!
I Looked Like Me
For the first time I feel my designs actually have a deeper meaning. The work I do is not superficial. It has a deeper function: to change the lifestyles of hard of hearing people and to normalize hearing problems.
Learning to Thrive with Ménière’s Disease as a Young Adult
Getting the diagnosis at age 17 made me feel like I couldn't really be a teenager and enjoy my time as a teen. Over time, I accepted it as a part of my life but also learned how to change my lifestyle to be able to live the life I want to live.