OTC hearing aids will be sold both in-person and online, and it is critical that you educate yourself and, as with any purchase, weigh the benefits and drawbacks.
Hearing Aids or Cochlear Implants?
Hearing aids are the number one choice for the majority of people with hearing loss, but for those who have severe or profound hearing loss, cochlear implants may be a better option, especially if hearing aids are not able to benefit them.
A Look at the Business of Selling Hearing Aids
As a former retailer, I think if electronic marvels like smartphones or smartwatches could be profitably sold at a fraction of the price of the average pair of hearing aids, someone somewhere had to be making a bundle while serving the needs of people with hearing loss.
How to Hear Better in the Classroom
As classrooms are nearly always inherently noisy, it’s a challenge for children with hearing loss as well as typical hearing children to always be able to fully hear and understand what’s being said in the classroom.
A Hearing Care Consumer’s Thoughts on OTC Hearing Aids
Logic would seem to say Americans, especially the young and seniors, will opt for OTC devices. On the other hand, logic does not seem to apply when comparing current adoption statistics from other countries where hearing aids are steeply discounted or even free.
What If We Heard Tinnitus as an Orchestra?
Isaiah, age 15, expresses his experience of tinnitus as that of an alien orchestra performing in his ear. I use the musical performance theme and musical references throughout my graphic novel.
Google Maps Adds Hearing Loops Information
Google Maps has recently begun including hearing loops in the accessibility information on its website. A national database of looped venues has been a goal of hearing loop advocates for years and it's finally becoming a reality.
Help America Hear Through Scholarships
The scholarship program is an annual nationwide contest offering assistance to high school seniors with hearing loss who are starting their first year of college.
A Water Lover’s Guide to Ear Care
Frequent swimming and surfing—especially in cold water—can leave your ears prone to certain conditions. But an ounce of precaution can provide an ocean of protection. Here’s how.
Make Peace With Earwax
Ideally, earwax takes care of itself. The number one thing to do with regard to earwax is to do nothing.