
How We Got Our Dad to Say Yes to Hearing Aids (With Some Help From Aristotle)

Aristotle’s three appeals—ethos, logos, and pathos—helped us get our dad into an audiologist's office.

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Harnessing the Power of Tinnitus Patients’ Experiences

I learned that little was known about the mechanisms causing tinnitus, and treatments were hard to test because they seemed to have very different effects on different people. Researchers call this heterogeneity, and it simply means that your tinnitus is likely different from mine.

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Trying Out Hearing Aids Through ‘Blended Distribution’

The blended business model relies heavily on the internet to capture customers, and it's reported that those customers are around 10 years younger than the typical hearing care office's clientele. Tech-savvy boomers are accustomed to researching options and shopping online.

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The Link Between Diabetes and Hearing

When a family member received a diagnosis of diabetes more than seven years ago, as an audiologist I tried to find information related to hearing problems associated with diabetes. I realized few people knew about the research connecting hearing loss and balance issues to this chronic disease.

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Family and Friends Don't Understand Your Hearing Challenges?

If, like me, you have a hearing loss, you know what your hearing challenges are. But what about your friends and family? Do they have challenges communicating with you? I bet the answer is yes. Why wouldn’t they? Hearing loss is a communication disorder that affects all the people in our lives.

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To Create a Culture Shift About Healthy Hearing, Start Young (and Other Key Strategies)

Finding answers to fundamental questions—such as, “Why does this age group enjoy loud sounds?,” “What impact does hearing damage have on this age group?,” “What will truly motivate them to use hearing protection devices?”—will help develop effective and sustainable hearing conservation programs.

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10 Ways to Develop Accessibility in the Workplace

Accessibility is making sure everyone—whether disabled or abled—has easy access around the workplace as well as its facilities. The concept of accessibility at work goes far beyond physical access and involves so much more.

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Happy 2022!

As 2022 starts, Hearing Health Foundation (HHF) is excited for all that we have in store for the New Year. From busting common myths about hearing loss to providing money to researchers working on the entire spectrum of hearing and balance research, there’s a lot our supporters have helped us with in 2021.

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Tax Tips for the End of the Year

Your charitable gift to Hearing Health Foundation (HHF) can save you money in taxes—especially before the end of this year when adjustments to the tax law in 2022 can decrease how much you save. Because of changes in 2022, your taxes may be reduced if you make a cash gift to HHF before December 31, 2021.

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Spanish Translations of HHF Website Pages, Thanks to

Our information about noise-induced hearing loss and tinnitus can reach a greater audience when translated into Spanish, thanks to’s translation service.

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