In the past year or so there's been an explosion of what could be industry-altering hearing loop news in the field of transportation, ready to go for us for when we’re all fully back on the road.
Do Transparent Face Coverings Help With Communication?
Shortly after the pandemic began, we began collecting various types of face coverings (transparent and nontransparent) to study the sound quality using a broad noise presented through a styrofoam mannequin head with a speaker mounted in its mouth.
Protecting Your Hearing Is Actually NOT That Hard
You may have noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) and not even realize it. By taking steps to prevent NIHL—which is easy once you know what to do—you can protect yourself from linked health consequences into the future.
Hearing Aid History: Ear Trumpets, European Royalty, & Earbuds
Hearing aid history is filled with inventions, from the ear trumpet in the 17th century to the high-tech hearing aids and amplifiers (Personal Sound Amplification Products, or PSAPs) we have today. As the author Arthur C. Clarke once said, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is equivalent to magic.” Although this isn’t quite true, some people benefit so much from their hearing aid or amplifier that it can feel like magic.
New Year, New RMD
Typically, funds withdrawn from your IRA count towards your annual income, increasing your overall tax burden. But if you give these funds to Hearing Health Foundation (HHF) or another favorite charitable organization instead, they are always tax-free, whether or not you itemize deductions on your tax return.
Train Your Brain to Listen
One of the most important things a person with hearing loss can do is to develop listening strategies. Auditory training, or auditory rehabilitation, is essentially a formal program for teaching the brain to recognize speech and other sounds that may not be as clear as they are with typical hearing.
Remote Tinnitus Counseling
We’ve developed several tools to help the tinnitus patient, who is typically an older adult. We first ask them to complete the Tinnitus Primary Functions Questionnaire. These are 20 questions that my team and I developed and validated to help detail patient experiences. The questions cover four categories: Thoughts and Emotions, Hearing, Sleep, and Concentration.
Don’t Miss a Word: Make the Most of Your Doctor Visits
When a physician or other health care professional verbally provides information that is essential to a patient’s health and wellbeing, every word is valuable. A conversation about a new diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up can be stressful, though, and it may be difficult for the patient to comprehend and process all of the new information.
How Does the New CARES Act Affect You?
The year 2020 has been one of so many questions: When will things return to normal? Do I qualify for the stimulus check? Where did I put my mask? And, how can I be fiscally responsible while still supporting a favorite cause, like hearing and balance science? The good news is that you can do both at the same time, thanks to recent legislation.
A Week to Plan Your Future
Have you considered planning for your future? October 19th-25th is National Estate Planning Awareness Week, a moment when Americans are encouraged to protect the things they love and plan for their futures by creating an estate plan.