Despite all this, including owning earplugs, it didn’t occur to me until working on the Keep Listening prevention campaign for Hearing Health Foundation how damage to your hearing is cumulative, and that I’ve been doing additional damage to my hearing through some of my daily routines.
Charity Talks
Brooke Dunefsky, a high school student in New York, recently approached us to be featured on her podcast Charity Talks. Last week she interviewed Timothy Higdon, our president and CEO, about Hearing Health Foundation: our mission, our two research programs (Emerging Research Grants and the Hearing Restoration Project), and our Keep Listening prevention program.
Let’s Let More People Learn About Hearing Loss
I would tell someone with a new diagnosis of hearing loss to persevere, know that you can get used to it, and think about the positives and not the negatives. It’s important that you don’t let people bring you down for wearing hearing aids. Take the opportunity to explain about hearing loss and using hearing aids. Let them know more about it!
A Veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq Urges Better Hearing Protection for Soldiers
We often hear about the devastating injuries sustained by soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq. Their suffering is profound and should be a bigger part of our national consciousness. We Americans should also talk about the most common disabilities experienced by veterans—hearing loss and tinnitus. These are less visible but insidious conditions that can seriously upend every aspect of veterans’ lives: their overall physical and psychological wellness, along with social interactions, even work performance.
6 Ways to Raise Youth Awareness of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss
Up to one in five school-aged children (ages 12–19 years) has measurable hearing loss as a result of excessive noise exposure. Noise-induced hearing loss not only affects a child's hearing ability but their academic performance, social interactions, and overall mental health and well-being.
New HHF Video Series Features Powerful Interviews About Hearing Loss and Tinnitus
In a new video series launching during October’s National Protect Your Hearing Month, Hearing Health Foundation (HHF) explores the stories of people from all walks of life who describe their day-to-day struggles dealing with noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) and tinnitus.
Heart Health and Hearing Health Are Not Mutually Exclusive
I recently donated to Hearing Health Foundation (HHF) for the first time. When I came across your organization, I knew I wanted to support it. I’m a musician, and I’m really passionate about research efforts on hearing restoration.
Sound of Real: A Music Composer’s Reactions to ‘Sound of Metal‘
One day, a musician’s worst nightmare comes true. Without any warning at all, he permanently loses his hearing, plunging headlong into deep, bottomless silence. This is not only an elevator pitch for “Sound of Metal,” but also a description of what actually happened to me 11 years ago.
I, and My Spirit, Resigned
I was relieved to be part of the industry that not only I understood, but understood me. They promoted the company culture of helping those with hearing loss with pride. And their culture of “white tech” immediately began to show.
HHF Responds to 'How to Block Out the Sounds of Summer' in The New York Times
The New York Times’ recent publication of “How to Block Out the Sounds of Summer” is both timely and informative. As pandemic restrictions ease, we are becoming exposed to more noise, some of which can cause permanent hearing damage.