autism spectrum disorder

In Autism Spectrum Disorder, Brain Connections Vary When Processing Speech

These findings suggest that in ASD, the mechanisms involved in processing speech, which encompass both the cerebrum and cerebellum, are influenced by atypical attention patterns, possibly stemming from differences in how the cerebellum manages timing and predicts auditory events.

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Brain Connectivity Patterns in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder

Individuals with autism spectrum disorder had different patterns of brain connectivity between areas involved in speech processing, particularly in the parietal region, which is important for combining different sounds into speech objects. 

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Why Children With Autism May Experience Auditory Sensory Overload

The successful navigation of complex everyday environments with multiple sensory inputs—such as restaurants, busy streets, and other social settings—relies on the brain’s ability to organize the barrage of information into discrete perceptual objects on which cognitive processes, such as selective attention, can act.

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Impact 2021

Hearing Health Foundation is grateful for the support of our community to advance our mission to find better treatments and cures for hearing loss, tinnitus, and related conditions in 2021. We’re proud to share this list of significant scientific achievements this past year.

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Autism-Related Language Difficulties Tied to Involuntary Attention Capture

We examined data from individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and typically developing (TD) peers while they listened to both meaningful and meaningless sentences. ASD individuals show significantly stronger cortical responses to meaningless compared with meaningful speech in the same canonical language regions where TD individuals exhibit stronger responses to meaningful speech.

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