As I type this, I’m currently on an airplane, flying back from Colorado to New York. With each passing second, each word, I can feel myself becoming more aware of the noise around me. It’s a very peculiar sound—loud, but not loud, invisible, but present—existing alongside myself and the other passengers on the plane.
Why I Want to #KeepListening
I recently donated to Hearing Health Foundation (HHF) for the first time. When I came across your organization, I knew I wanted to support it. I’m a musician, and I’m really passionate about research efforts on hearing restoration.
I, and My Spirit, Resigned
I was relieved to be part of the industry that not only I understood, but understood me. They promoted the company culture of helping those with hearing loss with pride. And their culture of “white tech” immediately began to show.
Making Peace With the Crickets in My Ears
My tinnitus comes in waves, and I’ve been living with it now for more than six years. In case you don’t know, tinnitus is the sensation of ringing in the ears when an external sound source isn’t actually present.
Careful Decisions: My Experiences With Hearing Loss and Hyperacusis
When my husband, Rich picked up on my hearing loss, I was neither interested nor compelled to do any research to solve the problem. I conceded he was right and went for a quick fix. And so, over 20 years ago, I made my very first hearing aid purchase, hastily and out of pure necessity.
A Journey to Better Hearing
It’s important for people with hearing loss to realize even with the help of an audiologist and the proper hearing devices, your hearing will never be the way it was before. My wife’s hearing is improved, but she still struggles to hear at times.
From a $3.95 Guitar to the Solid Body Electric Guitar: How Les Paul’s Persistence Changed the World of Music
Music legend Les Paul is famous for inventing the solid body electric guitar and other innovations related to recording music. Less known is that he also had a hearing loss and wore hearing aids in both ears.
What Works for Me: Revelations From Seeking Help for Chronic Tinnitus
The hearing loss and tinnitus that resulted from my service have stayed with me, making me part of the two million Americans with debilitating tinnitus, and the 20 million with chronic tinnitus. Seeking help, I turned myself into a human guinea pig. Here’s what I learned.
Full Mental Adjustment: Making Friends With My Tinnitus
Tinnitus became a part of me—my friend, always there when I looked for it, a reminder that life is indeed a challenge. Sometimes I would wonder if the tinnitus was still there, and then once I wondered, it would torment me—a reminder that yes, it definitely was!
Please Send a Decoder: A Retired Scientist's Experience with Hearing Loss and Tinnitus
A retired scientist rediscovers a love for writing poetry, especially as a way to share her experience with hearing loss and tinnitus. I have worn hearing aids since the 1980s but my story begins long before then. In 1945 both my eardrums ruptured.