
New Sounds, Thanks to Les Paul

The inventor of today’s recording techniques—with multiple ways to manipulate sound—would have been 109 this June 9. That would be Les Paul, the man whose signature is blazoned on the famous Gibson guitar. 

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How Les Paul’s Mother Nurtured Him to Change the Music Industry

Even when Les Paul was a preschooler, his mother Evelyn recognized his talent. She would arrange for her young son to perform for local fraternal organizations. Les was so tiny that they placed him on top of a table where he would sing, dance, and tell funny stories.

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From a $3.95 Guitar to the Solid Body Electric Guitar: How Les Paul’s Persistence Changed the World of Music

Music legend Les Paul is famous for inventing the solid body electric guitar and other innovations related to recording music. Less known is that he also had a hearing loss and wore hearing aids in both ears.

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