captioned phone

Only Connect

Growing up with a parent with hearing loss, I understood the challenges that can result from communication gaps. I also saw firsthand how many people with hearing loss don’t seek medical help because of the cost or not being aware of services.

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Americans With Hearing Loss Can Receive Free Telephone Captioning Services

Phone conversations can be exhausting and frustrating for individuals with hearing loss. Telephones render the communicators unable to see each other when talking, so they can’t take advantage of important visual cues, including knowing when it’s their turn to talk.

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Hearing Is Believing

I lost my hearing suddenly and in both ears at age 21. It was May 1957. I was on lunch break with friends and heading back to the Boston ad agency where we worked. Suddenly I pitched forward, losing my balance. The hearing in my left ear disappeared. Days later, my right ear lost nearly all hearing too.

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