Hearing Health Foundation (HHF) was thrilled to join this year’s Cantor Fitzgerald Relief Fund Charity Day on Wednesday, September 11, 2019 in New York City. The annual philanthropic event “turns a tragic day into one that is positive and uplifting by helping others.”
Estrogen’s Role in Hearing and Protecting Against Hearing Loss
Differences in hearing and hearing loss in men and women are well documented. A recent review of these appeared in the June 2019 issue of the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.
Our Impact Invigorated: HHF Visits the NIDCD
In my role as CEO of Hearing Health Foundation (HHF), most of my time is spent liaising with the individuals who make our groundbreaking work possible from our New York City office. I was fortunate to recently step away from my typical routine to witness the excitement of hearing and balance science at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Staying Vital
My father is an avid concertgoer who turned 61 in February, and I’ve been trying for more than two years—since I joined the team at Hearing Health Foundation (HHF)—to convince him to get his hearing tested.
Katelyn and Solenne
Sisters Katelyn, 12, and Solenne, 11, of Connecticut, are among the tens of millions of individuals who benefit from advances in hearing loss research. Both girls were born with severe to profound hearing loss but showed no benefit from hearing aids. They have both since received cochlear implants (CIs).
Breaking Stereotypes: Hearing Loss in the Media
Hearing loss is both underrepresented and misrepresented in the media, which frustrates many of us who actually have hearing loss. When hearing loss is represented, individuals who are hard of hearing have typically been depicted as elderly, isolated, and disabled individuals who are dependent on others.
Net Gains
Along with Silent Network and its sign language programming, a new network called Access Network was launched in 2018, providing open captioned and language-free programming for the general public and deaf, hard of hearing, and people learning English as a second language.
How to Plan for the Cost of Hearing Care
Over the course of a lifetime, healthcare fees can add up to tens of thousands of dollars—or more. Here are tips to help you budget and plan for these expenses.
Family Ties
My own difficulty hearing came on so gradually it was hard to notice. But I do remember vividly the day I realized the difference between my left and right ears. I was then a parent of three young children, living in Bayonne in a two-family house with my mother.
Restoring Teachable Moments
Terry Harris, who lives with a severe-profound sensorineural hearing loss, teaches special education in Glenview, IL. His life and profession changed dramatically when he experienced three months of total deafness — prompting him at age 40 to undergo cochlear implant (CI) surgery to restore his access to sound.