Finding answers to fundamental questions—such as, “Why does this age group enjoy loud sounds?,” “What impact does hearing damage have on this age group?,” “What will truly motivate them to use hearing protection devices?”—will help develop effective and sustainable hearing conservation programs.
10 Ways to Develop Accessibility in the Workplace
Accessibility is making sure everyone—whether disabled or abled—has easy access around the workplace as well as its facilities. The concept of accessibility at work goes far beyond physical access and involves so much more.
Happy 2022!
As 2022 starts, Hearing Health Foundation (HHF) is excited for all that we have in store for the New Year. From busting common myths about hearing loss to providing money to researchers working on the entire spectrum of hearing and balance research, there’s a lot our supporters have helped us with in 2021.
Tax Tips for the End of the Year
Your charitable gift to Hearing Health Foundation (HHF) can save you money in taxes—especially before the end of this year when adjustments to the tax law in 2022 can decrease how much you save. Because of changes in 2022, your taxes may be reduced if you make a cash gift to HHF before December 31, 2021.
Spanish Translations of HHF Website Pages, Thanks to
Our information about noise-induced hearing loss and tinnitus can reach a greater audience when translated into Spanish, thanks to’s translation service.
Play a Game of Catch This Thanksgiving (for Good Communication)
Successful communication can be compared to playing a game of catch. In a communication exchange there is a sender of the message (the speaker) and a receiver of the message (the listener). In a game of catch, there is a thrower and a catcher. Both the thrower and the catcher are required to work together to make the game thrive.
Make Your Smartphone Even Smarter
If you are any age and have both a hearing loss and a smartphone, “get smart” is how to educate you and your phone. Smartphones have allowed us a degree of freedom and communication access undreamed of in the not too distant past.
‘I Have to Change My Battery, Again?’
Taking charge of hearing aid batteries with these helpful strategies—inspired by in-depth interviews with hearing aid users—means never being left without power.
6 Ways to Raise Youth Awareness of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss
Up to one in five school-aged children (ages 12–19 years) has measurable hearing loss as a result of excessive noise exposure. Noise-induced hearing loss not only affects a child's hearing ability but their academic performance, social interactions, and overall mental health and well-being.
Protect Your Future With National Estate Planning Awareness Week
Have you considered planning for your future? October 19th-25th is National Estate Planning Awareness Week, a moment when Americans are encouraged to protect the things they love and plan for their futures by creating an estate plan.