
10 Clues Your Child Has a Hearing Loss

Universal hearing screening for newborns has helped to identify most children with hearing issues quickly and accurately. With simple tests, 80 to 90 percent of hearing loss can be detected, and children can begin early intervention with the best possible outcomes for language development.

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Can I Get My Hearing Tested Online?

Online hearing tests, or tests you take yourself using a computer or smartphone, are becoming more prevalent and popular, especially alongside the market for “hearables” (smart wireless earbuds). With over-the-counter hearing aids set to become available soon, these tests that can be convenient to take at home are likely to proliferate even more.

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95 Percent Favor Hearing Loss Transparency at Work, Poll Shows

While employers in the U.S. are legally required to provide accommodations for an employee’s hearing loss under the Americans with Disabilities Act, discrimination against applicants and workers with hearing loss remains a significant barrier.

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A New Gift for Our Supporters

In 2019, Hearing Health Foundation (HHF) made significant advancements toward new treatments and cures for hearing loss, tinnitus, and related conditions — and we couldn’t have done it without your support. To thank you for your generosity, we’re excited to help you and your loved ones prepare for your future.

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Working With Tinnitus

Work is an important part of one’s social environment and often provides a sense of achievement and self-worth. However, the data we’ve collected at Tinnitus Hub shows that more than a third—38 percent—of people who say they have tinnitus say that the condition has negatively affected their work prospects.

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5 Ways to Lower Your Risk for Tinnitus

Tinnitus is the perception of ringing or buzzing in the ears, without an external sound source. As an audiologist, I have been treating it for nearly three decades. Here are five easy ways you can keep your ears as healthy as possible against tinnitus.

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Does Tinnitus Differ With Age? 

As with hearing loss, tinnitus becomes more common with age; more than a quarter of those over 65 say they have some form of tinnitus, according to a 2011 Hearing Review report. We wondered, how are older people affected, and how do they cope?

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How to Communicate Better, and More Compassionately, With People With Hearing Loss

A trio of experts with both professional and personal connections to hearing loss share advice for better communication. Here they tell us what individuals with hearing loss say works and why these tips are effective.

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How to Plan for the Cost of Hearing Care

Over the course of a lifetime, healthcare fees can add up to tens of thousands of dollars—or more. Here are tips to help you budget and plan for these expenses.

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Which Restaurants Are Way Too Loud (or Not)? Get Real Data and Share It!

Recently, I found myself in a restaurant that was so noisy, the waitress leaned over and told us, “I can’t hear in here, either!” So, it’s not just me. In fact, a 2015 survey by Zagat that found that noise in restaurants was listed as the top complaint by diners.

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