I’ve been able to still send used cochlear implant processors from Australia to Iran. I have great friends and a lovely network that reaches kids in rural areas and even adults, people who have no support other than the kindness and compassion in other people.
Sharing Stories, Solutions, and Support
Les Paul Was Dedicated to Veterans
Like most men during World War II, Les Paul was drafted into the U.S. Armed Forces, where he held three positions in the Armed Forces Radio Service.
“HI”: How About This?
I think it would be a good idea if we as hearing impaired individuals wear a button, like a campaign button, that says, “HI” and underneath it says, “hearing impaired.” That way people will know to face us when they speak, and to speak more slowly or loudly.
Halloween When You Are Off-Balance
Most people love Halloween—costumes, treats, and going out late in the dark! But it can be scary, for real, for people who have balance or other sensory issues. Here are my tips for keeping your ghoul—I mean cool.
Sudden Hearing Loss Can Happen to Anyone
Even with a medical background, a nurse wasn’t aware that sudden hearing loss is considered a health emergency and should be treated immediately—and has vowed to share her experience to help others.
Swag and Spirit
A parent celebrates her son and is teaching others about being hard of hearing, how to help with hearing care, and how there’s no limit to success.
Lucky Number Seven
I would often have medical professionals, friends, and family make statements like, “If you’re going to have a brain tumor, you’re lucky it’s this kind, this is the best brain tumor to have. You’re so lucky it isn’t cancer.”
Cochlear Implants on the Court
College basketball’s winningest player of all time, Antonio Anderson lost his vision as well as his hearing from separate causes while only in his 20s. It cut his career short—but not his passion for the game.
Jack and the Crunchy Leaves
I wanted to create a story that would resonate with young children, guiding them and their families through the uncharted waters of hearing loss with empathy and understanding.