Hari Bharadwaj, Ph.D., Massachusetts General Hospital
Research Topic: A systems approach to characterization of subcortical and cortical contributions to temporal processing deficits in CAPD
Long-Term Goal: To understand the physiological mechanisms that allow us to listen and communicate in noisy settings, thereby illuminating why different groups of individuals have difficulty in such settings, and to leverage this understanding to develop noninvasive objective tools that can be used in the diagnosis and stratification (“subtyping”) of a diverse yet overlapping set of communication disorders.
Published Research
Cortical temporal integration can account for limits of temporal perception: investigations in the binaural system, Communications Biology, 2023.
Still an Ineffective Method With Supertrials/ERPs-Comments on "Decoding Brain Representations by Multimodal Learning of Neural Activity and Visual Features", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2023.
Both Stronger and Weaker Cerebro-Cerebellar Functional Connectivity Patterns During Processing of Spoken Sentences in Autism Spectrum Disorder, Human Brain Mapping, 2023.
A Multi-Channel EEG Mini-Cap Can Improve Reliability for Recording Auditory Brainstem Responses in Chinchillas, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2023.
Web-based Psychoacoustics: Hearing Screening, Infrastructure, and Validation, Behavior Research Methods, 2023.
Induced Alpha and Beta Electroencephalographic Rhythms Covary with Single-Trial Speech Intelligibility in Competition, Scientific Reports, 2023.
No Differences in Auditory Steady-State Responses in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Typically Developing Children, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2023.
The effects of broadband elicitor duration on a psychoacoustic measure of cochlear gain reduction, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2023.
Atypical Cortical Processing of Bottom-up Speech Binding Cues in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, NeuroImage: Clinical, 2023.
Confounds in the Data—Comments on “Decoding Brain Representations by Multimodal Learning of Neural Activity and Visual Features,” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2022.
Cross-species experiments reveal widespread cochlear neural damage in normal hearing, Communications Biology, 2022.
Remote testing for psychological and physiological acoustics, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2022.
Individualized Assays of Temporal Coding in the Ascending Human Auditory System, eNeuro, 2022.
Cortical signatures of auditory object binding in children with autism spectrum disorder are anomalous in concordance with behavior and diagnosis, PLOS Biology, 2022.
Effect of Noise Reduction on Cortical Speech-in-Noise Processing and Its Variance due to Individual Noise Tolerance, Ear & Hearing, 2021.
Modulation masking and fine structure shape neural envelope coding to predict speech intelligibility across diverse listening conditions, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2021.
Altered maturation and atypical cortical processing of spoken sentences in autism spectrum disorder, Progress in Neurobiology, 2021.
What’s been hidden in hidden hearing loss, Neuron, 2021.
The Perils and Pitfalls of Block Design for EEG Classification Experiments, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2020.
Comment on 'Rapid acquisition of auditory subcortical steady state responses using multichannel recordings,’ Clinical Neurophysiology: Official Journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology, 2020.
Electroencephalographic signatures of theneural representation of speech during selective attention, eNeuro, 2019.
Non-Invasive Assays of Cochlear Synaptopathy, bioRxiv, 2019.
Auditory processing in noise is associated with complex patterns of disrupted functional connectivity in autism spectrum disorder, Autism Research, 2016.
Altered Onset Response Dynamics in Somatosensory Processing in Autism Spectrum Disorder, Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2016.
Auditory Brainstem Response Latency in Noise as a Marker of Cochlear Synaptopathy, The Journal of Neuroscience, 2016.
NIH & Other Major Federal Research Funding: $1,632,361
Individualized Assays of Supra-Threshold Hearing Deficits, NIDCD, $376,521 awarded in 2020.
Individualized Assays of Supra-Threshold Hearing Deficits, NIDCD, $376,737 awarded in 2019.
Individualized Assays of Supra-Threshold Hearing Deficits, NIDCD, $376,948 awarded in 2018.
Neurodatarr: Collaborative Research: Testing the Relationship between Musical Training and Enhanced Neural Coding and Perception in Noise, NSF, $125,000 awarded in 2018.
Individualized Assays of Supra-Threshold Hearing Deficits, NIDCD, $377,155 awarded in 2017.
Andrew Dimitrijevic, Ph.D., Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Research Topic: Sensory and Cognitive Processing in Children with Auditory Processing Disorders: Behavior and Electrophysiology
Long-Term Goal: To address whether there are subtypes of CAPD arising from deficits of bottom-up or top-down processing. Bottom-up processing refers to how the sound signal is encoded up to the level of the brain (i.e., ear to auditory nerve through the brainstem and up to the brain). Top-down processing is what the brain does with that information and includes cognition and attention. Understanding the mechanism of the CAPD will help direct clinicians as to what intervention may be most appropriate.
Published Research
Cross-Modal Tinnitus Remediation: A Tentative Theoretical Framework, Brain Sciences, 2024.
Gene mutations as a non-invasive measure of adult cochlear implant performance: Variable outcomes in patients with select TMPRSS3 mutations, PLoS One, 2023.
Age-related increases in right hemisphere support for prosodic processing in children, Scientific Reports, 2023.
Neural Responses to Naturalistic Audiovisual Speech are Related to Listening Demand in Cochlear Implant Users, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2022.
Evidence of Visual Crossmodal Reorganization Positively Relates to Speech Outcomes in Cochlear Implant Users, Scientific Reports, 2022.
Objective and Subjective Hearing Difficulties Are Associated With Lower Inhibitory Control, Ear and Hearing, 2022.
Local magnetic delivery of recombinant adeno-associated virus AAV2(quad Y-F) mediated brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene therapy restores hearing after noise injury, Molecular Therapy, 2021.
Cortical alpha oscillations in cochlear implant users reflect subjective listening effort during speech-in-noise perception, PLOS ONE, 2021.
Neural correlates of visual stimulus encoding and verbal working memory differ between cochlear implant users and normal-hearing controls, European Journal of Neuroscience, 2021.
Poor early cortical differentiation of speech predicts perceptual difficulties of severely hearing-impaired listeners in multi-talker environments, Scientific Reports, 2020.
Data for an Advanced Microstructural and Electrochemical Datasheet on 18650 Li-ion Batteries with Nickel-Rich NMC811 Cathodes and Graphite-Silicon Anodes, Data in Brief, 2020.
Acoustic Change Responses to Amplitude Modulation in Cochlear Implant Users: Relationships to Speech Perception, Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2020.
Neural indices of listening effort in noisy environments, Scientific Reports, 2019.
Cortical Alpha Oscillations Predict Speech Intelligibility, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2017.
Human Envelope Following Responses to Amplitude Modulation: Effects of Aging and Modulation Depth, Ear and Hearing, 2016.
Characterizing Information Flux Within the Distributed Pediatric Expressive Language Network: A Core Region Mapped Through fMRI-Constrained MEG Effective Connectivity Analyses, Brain Connectivity, 2016.
Auditory cortical activity to different voice onset times in cochlear implant users, Clinical Neuropsychology, 2016.
Beula Magimairaj, Ph.D., CCC-SLP., University of Central Arkansas
Research Topic: Moving the science forward through interdisciplinary collaborative research integrating hearing, language, and cognitive science
Long-Term Goal: To develop a sensitive and valid test that can serve as a front-end differential screening tool for children suspected to have CAPD. Such an assessment tool will be able to reliably characterize auditory processing and attention, language, and memory deficits that are known to coexist in some children diagnosed with CAPD.
Published Research
Auditory Closure with Visual Cues: Relationship with Working Memory and Semantic Memory, JASA Express Letters, 2022.
Online Administration of the Test of Narrative Language-Second Edition: Psychometrics and Considerations for Remote Assessment, Language, Speech and Hearing Services in Schools, 2022.
Speech Perception in Noise Predicts Oral Narrative Comprehension in Children With Developmental Language Disorder, Frontiers in Psychology, 2021.
Auditory processing in children: Role of working memory and lexical ability in auditory closure, PLOS ONE, 2020.
Comparison of Auditory, Language, Memory, and Attention Abilities in Children With and Without Listening Difficulties, American Journal of Audiology, 2020.Auditory distraction in school-age children relative to individual differences in working memory capacity, Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 2020.
Access to Pediatric Audiological Evaluation Facilities for Infants and Young Children in the United States: Results from the EHDI-PALS System, The Journal of Early Hearing Detection and Intervention, 2019.
Working Memory and Auditory Processing in School-Age Children, Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 2018.
Parent-rating vs performance-based working memory measures: Association with spoken language measures in school-age children, Journal of Communication Disorders, 2018.
Children's Speech Perception in Noise: Evidence for Dissociation From Language and Working Memory, Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 2018.
Role of working memory and lexical knowledge in perceptual restoration of interrupted speech, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2017.
A Survey of Undergraduate Capstone Course Objectives in Communication Sciences and Disorders: Current Trends and Future Implications, Journal of Allied Health, 2017.
Psycholinguistic mechanisms supporting school-age children's comprehension of spoken directions: A preliminary study, Speech, Language and Hearing, 2016.
Kenneth Vaden, Medical University of South Carolina
Research Topic: Adaptive control of auditory representations in listeners with central auditory processing disorder
Long-Term Goal: To develop methods to assess the quality of speech representations based on brain activity and characterize top-down control systems that interact with the auditory cortex. The results of this study will improve the understanding of a specific top-down control mechanism and examine when and how adaptive control enhances speech recognition for people with CAPD.
Published Research
Soft classification and regression analysis of audiometric phenotypes of age-related hearing loss, Biometrics, 2024.
Dyslexia Data Consortium Repository: A Data Sharing and Delivery Platform for Research, Brain Informatics, 2024.
Auditory Cortex Asymmetry Associations with Individual Differences in Language and Cognition, Brain Sciences, 2024.
Evidence for conflict monitoring during speech recognition in noise, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2023.
Accurate phenotypic classification and exome sequencing allow identification of novel genes and variants associated with adult-onset hearing loss, PLoS Genetics, 2023.
Metabolic and Sensory Components of Age-Related Hearing Loss: Associations With Distortion- and Reflection-Based Otoacoustic Emissions, Trends in Hearing, 2023.
Deep learning classification of reading disability with regional brain volume features, NeuroImage, 2023.
Metabolic and Sensory Components of Age-Related Hearing Loss, Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 2022.
Evidence for cortical adjustments to perceptual decision criteria during word recognition in noise, Neuroimage, 2022.
Cortical asymmetries at different spatial hierarchies relate to phonological processing ability, PLoS Biology, 2022.
Unique patterns of hearing loss and cognition in older adults’ neural responses to cues for speech recognition difficulty, Brain Structure and Function, 2021.
The Topology of Pediatric Structural Asymmetries in Language-Related Cortex, Symmetry, 2020.
Translational and Interdisciplinary Insights into Presbyacusis: A Multidimensional Disease, Hearing Research, 2020.
Fully synthetic neuroimaging data for replication and exploration, NeuroImage, 2020.
Age Effects on Cochlear Reflectance in Adults, Ear and Hearing, 2020.
Age-Related Hearing Loss Associations With Changes in Brain Morphology, Trends in Hearing, 2019.
A deformation-based approach for characterizing brain asymmetries at different spatial scales of resolution, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2019.
A pericallosal lipoma case with evidence of surface dyslexia, Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior, 2019.
Neuroanatomical structures supporting lexical diversity, sophistication, and phonological word features during discourse, NeuroImage: Clinical, 2019.
Cingulo-opercular adaptive control for younger and older adults during a challenging gap detection task, Journal of Neuroscience Research, 2019.
Age effects on perceptual organization of speech: Contributions of glimpsing, phonemic restoration, and speech segregation, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2018.
Reading Profiles in Multi-Site Data With Missingness, Frontiers in Psychology, 2018.
Transient-Evoked Otoacoustic Emissions Reflect Audiometric Patterns of Age-Related Hearing Loss, Trends in Hearing, 2018.
Complementary metrics of human auditory nerve function derived from compound action potentials, Journal of Neurophysiology, 2018.
Orthographic influence on spoken word identification: Behavioral and fMRI evidence, Neuropsychologia, 2018.
Common Brain Structure Findings Across Children with Varied Reading Disability Profiles, Scientific Reports, 2017.
Auditory, Visual and Audiovisual Speech Processing Streams in Superior Temporal Sulcus, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2017.
Cognitive persistence: Development and validation of a novel measure from the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, Neuropsychologia, 2017.
Longitudinal Changes in Audiometric Phenotypes of Age-Related Hearing Loss, Journal of Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 2017.
A Novel Communication Value Task Demonstrates Evidence of Response Bias in Cases with Presbyacusis, Scientific Reports, 2017.
Cingulo-opercular activity affects incidental memory encoding for speech in noise, NeuroImage, 2017.
Aging-Resilient Associations between the Arcuate Fasciculus and Vocabulary Knowledge: Microstructure or Morphology?, The Journal of Neuroscience: The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2016.
Is Listening in Noise Worth It? The Neurobiology of Speech Recognition in Challenging Listening Conditions,s Ear and Hearing, 2016.
A case of Bilateral Perisylvian Syndrome with reading disability, Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior, 2016.
Gray Matter Features of Reading Disability: A Combined Meta-Analytic and Direct Analysis Approach(1,2,3,4), eNeuro, 2016.
Cingulo-Opercular Function During Word Recognition in Noise for Older Adults with Hearing Loss, Experimental Aging Research, 2016.
Task-Related Vigilance During Word Recognition in Noise for Older Adults with Hearing Loss, Experimental Aging Research, 2016.