
The Stealth Purpose of Earwax (in Humans and Whales)

By Yishane Lee

Consider the humble earwax. Much maligned, earwax is generally something that people want to get rid of—hence the cotton swab industry.

But in fact, earwax in humans has a purpose, and it may surprise you. Earwax, also known as cerumen, protects the ear by keeping water, dust, and other harmful particles such as bacteria out of your ear canal. Its waxy texture serves to keep your ear sufficiently lubricated to function properly. It also contains antibacterial and antifungal properties.

So the number one thing to remember about earwax is to leave it alone so it can do its job. “The ears are one of God’s great self-cleaning devices,” says William H. Slattery, M.D., an otolaryngologist at House Research Institute in Los Angeles, in a Hearing Health magazine story “Stop That Swab!”

Earwax is supposed to move out of the ear canal, taking debris with it. Blocking this natural (albeit slow) motion of the earwax out of the spiral of the canal—and not the earwax itself—is usually what causes problems.

Injuries from people inserting cotton swabs too far into the ear canal are a common reason people go see a doctor. If it’s bigger than your elbow, it doesn’t belong in your ear. Earwax removal was even a squirm-inducing plot point in an episode of the hit HBO series “Girls.”

Over 14 years of practice, Phoenix otolaryngologist Jerald Altman, M.D., never ceased to be amazed by the range of items that ended up in kids’ ears, so much so that he wrote a board book for kids explaining why sticking things in your ears (or up your nose) is a bad idea.

And finally, earwax also has significant scientific merit—at least among whale researchers. Scientists successfully retrieved and studied the earwax of the endangered blue whale when one was hit by a ship and its body washed up onto a Santa Barbara, Calif., beach.

Baleen whales like the blue whale start accumulating earwax as soon as they are born. As a result, this whale “earplug” (since it doesn’t seem to get expelled over time, like ours does) records how old the whale is. Scientists can count its rings, much like counting rings to determine the age of a felled tree.

Scientists at Baylor University, in Waco, Texas, analyzed the 10-inch earplug that was retrieved in California to figure out the level of toxins the male blue whale accumulated. What they found was far from good news in terms of exposure to pesticides, mercury, and other contaminants—some transferred directly from the mother. The whale’s stress levels as measured by cortisol were also double the average.

But in a bit of good news, the novel analysis (published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in August) of this blue whale from birth to death holds huge promise for understanding various whale species and our effects on them over time. Whale earplugs have been saved as part museum displays for decades, offering a timeline of environmental and other stressors the whales may have undergone.

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Undercover Noise Cop

By Kathi Mestayer

New Year, New You? If you’re planning to hit the gym as part of a New Year’s resolution, don’t forget that being healthy includes protecting your hearing. Look for “No Pain, No Gain?” this January in Hearing Health magazine.

To write my story, I had to do some sleuthing. I’ve been doing undercover noise data collection for a few months. My instruments range from two virtually invisible smartphone apps (SoundMeter+ and AudioTools) to a very visible, unwieldy, professional sound meter. Everyone can see it, but nobody knows what it is.

Picture me in my bathing suit (be kind), walking around a huge, cavernous, swimming pool area at a community recreation center. I’m cradling the professional sound meter like a baby in my arms, its 3-inch-diameter sponge microphone cover sticking out like a huge Tootsie Roll. In my other hand is my smartphone, its decibel app meter flying back and forth at a rate so fast I can barely see it.  

The folks in the aquatics class at my end of the pool are working out, following the instructor’s movements. The boom box is barely audible due to the extremely resonant sound bouncing off of the glass and steel.

The teacher, who knows me from classes I’ve taken, gives me a “what on earth are you doing?” look, and then quickly goes back to her teaching. The lifeguard, on the other hand, is taking the liberty of really staring at me. I’m feeling pretty conspicuous.  

I take a few readings with both meters, and get a range of 74 to 78 dBA (the unit dBA measures sound levels as perceived by humans). Then, I skulk along the side of the pool to the aquatics boom box, to see how much it is adding to the din. It adds about 4 dBA, which is a significant jump in decibel terms.

As I note in my story on noisy gyms (coming up in the Winter 2014 issue of Hearing Health, out in January):

“Remember that decibel increases are magnified: 80 dBA is twice as loud as 77 dBA—the sound energy doubles with each 3 dBA increase. So while 4 dBA doesn’t seem like much on a linear scale, it’s a big difference in dBA terms.”

On my way out, I slink over to the lifeguard and tell her what I’m doing. She doesn’t ask what readings I’m getting but luckily for her, it’s within Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) limits for her as a worker. Fortunately, she doesn’t have to worry about hearing damage, at least at this sound level.


Hearing Health magazine staff writer Kathi Mestayer serves on advisory boards for the Virginia Department for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing and the Greater Richmond, Va., chapter of the Hearing Loss Association of America.

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The Perfect (Powerful) Stocking Stuffer

By Yishane Lee

Hearing aid batteries are the perfect little stocking stuffer for the hearing aid wearers on your list—or if you’re a hearing aid wearer yourself, you should request from Santa!

Hearing aids use miniature zinc air button cells, which represent a huge improvement over their mercury predecessors—not least because the mercury ones were toxic! They also last twice as long, are environmentally friendly, and are less expensive.

The battery is activated when the sticker tab is removed, and exposing the cell to air oxidizes the zinc and powers the battery. Wait 30 to 60 seconds for the cell to become fully activated before placing the new battery into the hearing aid. This helps maximize the battery’s life.

The size of these button cells are universally standardized and the sizes are color coded for convenience, whether they are disposable or rechargeable. Common sizes are size 10 (yellow) and size 312 (brown). How long they last depends on use, but generally size 10s last three to five days, and size 312 about 10 to 15 days.

The key is making sure the seal that activates the battery remains intact. If it becomes damaged and air reaches the cell, activating the zinc, the battery will eventually drain. (And then you may find yourself in a foreign country looking for a pharmacy that sells hearing aid batteries—always bring spares when traveling!) Besides pharmacies, your hearing healthcare provider, warehouse stores, and online retailers all sell batteries.

Battery shelf life is several years, provided you store them at room temperature and keep them away from heat and humidity, which can affect the seal. Always store and transport in their original packaging. Carrying batteries around in your pocket or handbag can also damage the seal, and your keys or other metal objects can inadvertently short-circuit them.

Open up the battery compartment when you remove them and shut them off (newer models do this automatically for you), so they are aired out overnight. Exposure to moisture is another risk for zinc air batteries.

Remember: All batteries pose a serious health risk for children and pets if swallowed. Keep them out of reach and contact poison control immediately at (202) 625-3333 if they are ingested. Get more safety tips from the National Capital Poison Center.

And a note about recycling: Zinc is hazardous to the environment. So while many states do not require that hearing aid batteries be recycled, if you throw the batteries out with the trash, over time the harmful chemicals will be released. Look for battery recycling bins at large grocery stores and drugstores. Hearing aid retailers and hearing providers also may accept used batteries as well. The Big Green Box and Battery Solutions will recycle your batteries (and other electronics) for a fee. See Earth911 and Call2Recycle for battery dropoff locations and other resources.

Read more about batteries, including rechargeable and proprietary options, as well as choices for cochlear implants.

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Are You Wireless Enabled?

By Paul Harrison, Guest Author

This is the first in a two part series on wireless technology and hearing aids.

With the introduction of wireless technology, hearing aids are now able to do more than ever before. Just making things louder is a thing of the past with new devices containing more and more advanced features with each new generation of hearing aid.

Wireless technology in hearing aids means that they are able to connect both with each other and with a number of different devices using a signal that is similar to the Bluetooth in mobile phones. When the hearing aids work together it is known as binaural technology. With this feature, they can communicate with each other and work together to improve your hearing. There are some binaural features that will analyze your environment, detect which hearing aid is receiving the clearer signal and then transmit this superior signal to the other side. This ensures that you are always getting the best sound available, whatever your environment may be. Binaural microphone applications work in the same way to ensure you hear sounds from all directions clearly but can give priority to speech over background noises.

When most people mention wireless technology in hearing aids, they are referring to their ability to connect to other things. This signal allows the hearing aids to be paired with different accessories that in turn can be connected to your various audio devices.

Each manufacturer has their own range of accessories which can only be used with their own hearing aids. Some require a device called a streamer to be used in addition to the other accessories. This streamer is used to relay the signal from each device into the hearing aids and is often the point of control as well. Some manufacturers use a different or more powerful signal which can send the sounds directly without the need for this additional device.

So what can you connect to?


Many manufacturers now have a device that can be easily connected to most televisions. It is usually a discreet little box that sits by the TV and picks up the sound coming from it. It then transmits the sound into the hearing aids, either directly or through the additional streamer. This can give you the effect of wearing headphones without the inconvenience of actually wearing them. It also allows you to control the volume by adjusting the hearing aids rather than the television. This can be particularly useful if you are not the only person watching, as it means you can watch at your own level without affecting the listening comfort of others. In most cases, if an additional streamer is required, this unit will also act as a charger for it.


Many hearing aid users struggle when using their home telephone for several reasons. Some people find that the conversation sounds muffled and some even report that they often don’t hear it ring. There are now wireless accessories that can help with this by connecting you directly to the telephone. An alert will sound in your hearing aids when the phone rings so you never miss a call and then you don’t even have to get up to answer it. You can answer the call by simply pressing a button on your device and you will then hear the conversation through your hearing aids. This gives you the benefit of a clearer sound and also means that you hear the conversation in both of your ears at the same time. The built in microphone in the device then allows you to enjoy your conversation without having to go to the phone.

Mobile Phone

These work in a very similar way to the home phone accessories. They allow you to receive alerts when calls come through and then answer the phone without having to remove it from your pocket or bag.

According to YourHearing Wireless, technology is advancing all the time, making it easier for hearing aid users to enjoy things that they previously found difficult or frustrating. Each manufacturer has a different range of accessories so you would need to check to see what is available for your particular hearing aids. There are so many options available today it is possible for everyone to get themselves and their hearing aids wireless enabled.

Stay tuned for part two to be posted in early 2014 which will highlight other types of devices that can connect to your hearing aid and help you hear better.

Author Bio:

Paul Harrison has been in the Hearing aid industry for 20 years and in that time has worked at both manufacturer and retailer level before managing his own online hearing aid business which is a national network of local hearing aid audiologists who offer the main hearing aid brands at less than the high street but with the same quality aftercare and warranty.

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Stuffed After Thanksgiving? Don't Be a Turkey - Get Active!

By Tara Guastella

Over Thanksgiving this week, many of us will spend time giving thanks with family and friends. Thanksgiving is also unique in that it’s a holiday specifically about food (and not, say, gift-giving or something religious). I can’t wait to devour many traditional Thanksgiving foods (cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie!) because I wait for them all year long. Yet each year I always find myself overeating, including on Thanksgiving leftovers. I can’t resist a cold turkey sandwich with stuffing and mashed sweet potatoes.

After the long Thanksgiving weekend, I force myself back to the gym to burn off those excess calories. But participating in sports and other physical activities can be a challenge for those with hearing loss who use hearing aids or cochlear implants. The potential for moisture damage, losing the device, and sacrificing sound quality can cause many to (happily) skip a good workout.  

You can’t use these reasons as excuses, though. Hearing aid manufacturers have boosted technology, styles, and accessories to allow you to take part in your favorite activities.

Waterproof hearing aids (such as the Siemens Aquaris) and cochlear implants (such as the Advanced Bionics Neptune processor) eliminate worry about water damage. Ask your hearing healthcare professional for details. And in case your hearing device is not fully water-resistant, follow these tips for emergency care of water-damaged devices.

If you enjoy an outdoor run or bike ride in the park, wind noise can pose a problem for hearing aid users. The next time you are considering an upgrade, remember that completely-in-the-canal (CIC) hearing aids sit deep enough in the ear canal that wind won’t affect it. All hearing aids also have “wind noise reduction” settings which can help reduce noise from wind as well.  

There are also accessories that can help keep your hearing aid in place while you are in motion. The waterproof Neoprene Ear Band-It is worn like a traditional sweatband and helps keep any style of hearing aid in place. (It’s also useful for limiting water exposure to the ears—reducing the risk of ear infection, if you or your child is prone to them in water.) You can also choose brightly colored safety cords or clips that attach hearing aids to a piece of clothing and/or to each other or eyeglasses for added security.

Before trying a new activity, always be sure to speak with your hearing healthcare provider so you can make sure your hearing device is up to the task (or learn about one that is). Be sure to ask about the warranty or insurance in case something does happen to your hearing device.

Learn more ways to protect your hearing gear from Hearing Health magazine’s “Get Active.”  

Happy Thanksgiving!

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How Your Smartphone Can Help You Hear Better

By Yishane Lee

Since they first became available, smartphones such as those from Google and Apple have provided a boon to people who have hearing loss. Because of the sophisticated, built-in microphone in these phones, there is a panoply of apps (applications) that help boost the volume at varying levels of sophistication, and many are free or nearly free to download. Composer Richard Einhorn (a friend of HHF) has described the various apps he uses in his work as well as hear better.

There are also apps that measure decibel levels, allow you to mix sounds to favor high frequencies, and help you program your hearing device. In Hearing Health magazine, we have written about and reviewed various apps—see “12 Apps to Help You Hear Better” and “Apps Explosion”—and the field is constantly evolving and expanding.

Now we have what promises to be an even more seamless integration between the smartphone and hearing aid. Last year, Apple, the maker of the iPhone and iPad, made its programming interface accessible to hearing aid manufacturers so that they can better integrate hearing devices with those devices. In October, as reported by David Copithorne on the blog Hearing Mojo, Denmark-based hearing aid maker ReSound has announced the first “made for the iPhone” hearing aid, the LiNX.

Copithorne predicts that Apple’s “cool factor” will encourage more first-time hearing aid users to try a hearing aid such as LiNX. Plus, the technology in LiNX eliminates the need for an added device (such as a neck loop) in order to stream sound between a smartphone and hearing aid—a simplification both first-time and long-time hearing aid users will appreciate.

Among the many tech upgrades that Copithorne reports, ReSound also says it has resolved a nagging issue for people who use wireless technology and/or Bluetooth for extended periods of time: battery drain. It promises its new device  is more powerful and less power hungry than others.

It’s nearly impossible to keep up with all the new apps that are introduced (and keep in mind that Apple reviews apps before allowing them into iTunes, whereas Google does not have a vetting process for apps available on Google Play). That said, two new apps are taking fresh approaches to sound and hearing. The first is Lumisonic, which was originally designed to work for music. The app (available for the Nintendo Wii console, iPhone, or a PC or Apple desktop computer) adds real-time graphics and vibrations to any sound. Its software translates soundwaves from music or speech into radiating circles that are altered based on the sound. You can also alter the sounds yourself, like a synthesizer.

Proloquo2Go is an iPhone-only app that aims to help people who have no voice to communicate. After selecting a sentence using easy-to-understand graphical icons, the app pronounces it and writes it for you. You can add words not in the app’s vocabulary database by typing them in and selecting new icons; you can even take photos using the iPhone and assign them to words. Voices varied by gender and age are available to read the sentences.

As the smartphone (and tablet) market continues to expand, you can bet we’ll have ever more hearing-related apps. Let us know about your favorites below.

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Yes, the Holidays Are Right Around the Corner - But No Need to Panic

By Yishane Lee

Every year at about this time I start to make lists of gifts to give various members of my family. Not only are the holidays right around the corner but everyone but me (and the cat) has a fall birthday! It can be a challenge.

It can be even more of a challenge if you’re shopping for a loved one who has a hearing loss. You want to be sure to get a gift that shows you care and that you’re aware of the obstacles they may face. In our annual Holiday Gift Guide—available in the Fall issue of Hearing Health, in your mailboxes soon and now online—we’ve compiled a list of our favorite items for gift-giving.

These range from an astonishing memoir by a successful lawyer who only discovered he had a hearing loss is his 30s. Gerald Shea, author of “Song Without Words,” recounts the ways he subconsciously coped through school and work while exploring such issues as the nature and significance of language.

You may also want to consider two types of headgear—the AfterShokz Sportz Headphones and the Max Virtual Cynaps Cap—that conduct sound through the bones in your skull directly to your inner ear through vibration. Sports enthusiasts and those with hearing loss alike can benefit from these innovative products.

We also have a great list of vibrating watches, earplugs, phones and phone signalers, clocks, and cochlea-inspired jewelry, along with suggestions from our staff writers who have hearing loss—including the best stocking stuffer ever. Aren’t you wondering what it is? Browse through our gift guide, “Gifts From the Heart,” and find the perfect gift today.

For people who are considering getting a hearing aid, or updating their current one, we have two stories for you. “What to Expect When You’re Expecting… Hearing Aids” by staff writer Courtney M. Campbell, Au.D., manages expectations when it comes to getting hearing aids. Here’s a hint: It’s not like getting glasses—it’s not a one-step process.

And if you’re thinking of upgrading or updating your hearing aids, here’s another hint: Rapid advances in technology mean a new, low-priced aid is likely to be better than even a premium aid from a year ago. Read “8 Signs You May Need a New Hearing Aid” by Barbara Jenkins, Au.D., BCABA.

Look for the Fall issue in your mailboxes soon and online now. If you’re not already a subscriber to our award-winning and free quarterly publication, make sure to subscribe here.

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Marathoning for a Cure for Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

By Tara Guastella

Whether it’s cycling, running, swimming, or whatever interests you—be it baking, knitting, or painting—we can work together to help you fundraise to help HHF fund research that will cure hearing loss. This fall, several individuals across the country will be running a marathon for a cure for hearing loss and tinnitus while raising funds to help HHF support groundbreaking research.

Marine Corps Marathon
Sixteen years ago, Julie Davis joined a group of 50 million people in this country, and it wasn't by choice. Her left ear stopped working and the buzzing and ringing started. Not only had she experienced profound hearing loss, but she also acquired vertigo, balance issues, and other consequences associated with hearing loss that many people rarely discuss. On October 27, 2013, Julie will Run for the Buzz in the Marine Corp Marathon and is raising funds for a cure for hearing loss and tinnitus. Support her run today!

ING New York City Marathon
On November 3, 2013, Tom Abbey, Veronica Calhoun, Tara Guastella (HHF staff member and the author of this post), Andy Shepard, and Kim Montini will tackle the 26.2 miles of the NYC Marathon in support of a cure for hearing loss and tinnitus. Each team member is spending the next several months training for the run with Tom Abbey of Functional Fitness VA, a team member and trainer. Whether being impacted by hearing loss personally or through a family member, each team member is excited to raise funds for HHF in order to expedite the timeline to a cure.
Visit Team Hearing Health's Marathon page and support the team as they run through the five boroughs of NYC for a cure for hearing loss and tinnitus.

Learn about other unique ways individuals are fundraising to cure hearing loss. If you are interested in fundraising for a cure, please contact

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Ten Clues Your Child Has Hearing Loss

Ten clues your child has hearing loss

Universal hearing testing for newborns has helped to identify most children with hearing issues quickly and accurately. With a simple test, 80 to 90 percent of hearing loss can be detected, and children can begin early intervention with the best possible outcomes for language development.


“Even if your child passed the newborn screening at birth, however, keep in mind that hearing loss that is genetic or progressive in nature can manifest when your child is a toddler or older,” says Dr. Barbara Jenkins, an audiologist and writer of this article, with Hearing Health Magazine. “It’s important to identify signs that may suggest possible hearing loss in your child, so that testing can be done and treatment and management undertaken.”

Delayed or absent speech development is the most important clue indicating a possible hearing loss in the very young child. Identifying hearing loss in the infant and young child requires watching for critical developmental milestones.

Use the following milestones from Hearing Health Foundation as a guideline, and always discuss any concerns with your pediatrician.

* By 3 months, your baby recognizes and quiets to your voice, makes cooing noises, and is startled by sudden, loud noises.

* By 6 months, your baby recognizes speech sounds and familiar voices, turns his head toward interesting sounds, plays with his own voice, and laughs. Your baby uses his voice to indicate pleasure and discomfort, and has speech-like conversations with caregivers.

* By 9 months, your baby can understand simple words like “mommy,” “daddy,” “no,” “bye-bye” and his own name.

* By 10 months, your baby’s babbling should sound speech-like with strings of single syllables (“da-da-da-da”).

* By 12 months, one or more real, recognizable spoken words emerge.

* By 18 months, your toddler should understand simple phrases, retrieve familiar objects on command (without gestures), and point to body parts when asked, “where’s your ... ears, nose, mouth, eyes,” etc. Your toddler has a spoken vocabulary of between 20 to 50 words and short phrases (“all done,” “go out,” “mommy up”) and is learning new words each week.

* By 24 months, your toddler’s spoken vocabulary should be 200 to 300 words and simple sentences can be spoken. Adults not with your child on a daily basis can understand your child’s speech. A toddler at this age should be able to sit and listen while being read books.

Children who have developed speech skills are more difficult to identify. Use these guidelines from Hearing Health Foundation to discern a possible newly acquired hearing loss.

1. Your child seems to hear fine some of the time and then not respond at other times.

2. Your child wants the TV volume louder than other members of the family.

3. Your child says “what” more often than he used to.

4. Your child moves one ear forward when listening, or he complains that he can only hear out of his “good ear.”

5. Your child’s grades fall, or his teacher notes that he doesn’t seem to hear or respond in the classroom as well as other children.

6. Your child says that he didn’t hear you. This may seem obvious, but many parents assume that their children are not paying attention when in fact there may be an unidentified hearing loss.

7. It seems as though your child is just not paying attention.

8. Your child starts to speak more loudly than previously.

9. Your child looks at you intently when you speak to him. He may be depending more on visual cues for interpreting speech.

10. You just have a feeling. Sometimes you just can’t put your finger on what your concern is. Don’t let that stop you. Ask your child’s doctor for a referral to ease your mind.

There are many possible causes of acquired hearing loss that present themselves months or years after birth. Most hearing loss in children without obvious risk factors (such as premature birth) has a genetic cause. If you have any concerns, contact your pediatrician for a referral to a hearing health care provider for a complete hearing evaluation.

To learn more about genetic hearing loss, visit Hearing Health Foundation to read the Summer 2012 issue of Hearing Health magazine, available online at  

To learn more about the types of newborn hearing screenings and the importance of early detection and early intervention, visit

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