Hearing Health Foundation (HHF), the largest nonprofit funder of hearing and balance research in the U.S., is committed to ensuring all gifts support our mission in the most efficient and resourceful ways.
We are pleased to share our 2022 Annual Report, and proud to continue to earn top scores from all the major charity rating organizations.
Please click here or on the image at right to access the report online, along with our 2022 Form 990 and Audited Financial Statements.
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One cost assessment method that has been increasingly used in medical literature is called “time-driven activity-based costing.” TDABC allows for a detailed step-by-step analysis of a process and its costs, which helps identify opportunities for reducing unnecessary costs and streamlining the process.
In the United States, assistive listening systems are mandated by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to give people with hearing loss the clarity that is impossible to receive with hearing instruments alone.
Sound hypersensitivity disorders are conditions that disrupt a person’s ability to participate in normal daily activities due to physical discomfort, emotional distress, or excessive fear triggered by everyday sounds.
In 2018, while serving time in a New York prison, I committed to a path of self-reinvention and education. Despite the challenges of living with genetic disorders, a speech impediment, and a history of adversity, I made the decision to change my life by learning.
Our friends at Help America Hear want to share that their high school scholarship competition is open for high school seniors with hearing loss using hearing aids, cochlear implants, or bone anchored hearing aids. The essay application is due March 30.