Special Request for Meniere's Disease & Stria Vascularis Applications
By Laura Friedman
Thanks to generous donations, Hearing Health Foundation is requesting Emerging Research Grants (ERG) proposals in the areas of:
Ménière's disease, for innovative research that will increase our understanding of the inner ear and balance disorder.
Stria vascularis, for research that will increase our understanding of strial atrophy and/or development of the stria.
Letters of intents (LOIs) are required before a full application can be submitted. Full applications are due Thursday, March 31.
Please review our Policy on Emerging Research Grants for eligibility requirements. If you are eligible, please make note of the deadlines below and review the instructions for submitting a LOI.
Full Application: March 31, 2016
Award Notification: Spring 2016
Grant Period: July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017
If you have any questions about the ERG program and process, please contact us at grants@hhf.org
Thank you for your interest in the ERG program. Please forward and share this information with your colleagues.
We need your help in funding the exciting work of hearing and balance scientists.
To donate today to support HHF's groundbreaking research,
please visit hhf.org/name-a-grant.