Our friends at Help America Hear want to share that their high school scholarship competition is open, and now called the Colleen Scarisbrick Help America Hear Scholarship. Winners earn a financial award and a pair of top-of-the-line ReSound prescription hearing aids that best suits their hearing loss.
Please note that students wearing hearing aids that are three years old or less will only receive a financial award. Cochlear implant users are also eligible but will only receive the financial award.
How It Works
The recipients of these scholarships are selected by an independent group of judges to be determined by the nonprofit Help America Hear. The scholarship will award to 10 students per school year, eight with hearing aids and two with cochlear implants or bone anchored hearing aids.
The contest entry is an essay that should highlight the student’s creativity, academic achievements, community service, and life experiences. It must also include, but is not limited to, responses to the following questions that pertain to the student’s situation. Cochlear implant users can answer these questions as it relates to them.
What is hearing loss?
How have your peers and teachers supported your academic achievements?
Explain how your hearing loss has influenced your productivity in school?
What challenges do you face as a hearing-impaired student? How are you overcoming those challenges?
Do you feel hearing aids have or will increase your ability to learn?
List the ways hearing aids will improve your education, work and social goals.
Explain what new activities you will engage in or pursue with new hearing aids.
Upon receiving new hearing aids, how do you expect your life to change? What changes will you hope to achieve? Do you think your interpersonal relationships will be different?
What are you looking to accomplish with your college degree and how will this award help you achieve your goals for the future?
How will you advocate change for self-determination for students and individuals who are hearing impaired?
Who Can Apply
All high school seniors with hearing loss are eligible to apply for the scholarship.
Please click here to apply. The deadline is Sunday, March 30.
Please contact Help America Hear directly at 888.580.8886 or info@helpamericahear.org with any questions.
As someone hard of hearing, I intimately understand the challenges of a world not always designed for me. This drives my mission to advocate for better access and representation.