Revealing Hidden Hearing Loss

Sharon Kujawa, Ph.D., is an auditory neuroscientist and clinician. A 1999 Emerging Research Grants (ERG) recipient and a member of both HHF’s Council of Scientific Trustees and Board of Directors, Kujawa has focused on primary causes of hearing loss like noise exposure and aging, aiming to reveal the underlying cellular damage and its consequences to hearing function. In recent years, this work has given rise to the concept of “hidden hearing loss”—declines in hearing function that are not revealed by the threshold audiogram, but are well known to those who experience them. In this webinar, Kujawa provides an overview of what we know and how this information is shaping approaches to diagnosis and treatment.

Update from July 2022: Kujawa and colleagues earned major federal funding to continue their investigations. Please see: “Mass Eye and Ear Researchers Awarded $12.5 Million NIH Grant to Continue Hidden Hearing Loss Research.”

Hearing Health Hour is a live webinar series that shares the latest developments in hearing and balance research through our community of funded researchers. All sessions include an interactive Q&A with the speaker.

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