
Hearing Health Foundation’s Emerging Research Grants (ERG) program awards grants to researchers studying tinnitus, including:

  • Peripheral and central mechanisms

  • Role of ion channels, ototoxicity, genetics

  • Subjective and objective assessment

  • Etiology, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention

  • Imaging of tinnitus

ERG awards are for up to $50,000 per year, one year in length in the first instance, and renewable for a second year. Find more information below about tinnitus projects awarded a grant in prior years.

Researchers interested in applying for an Emerging Research Grant are encouraged to review our grant policy. Please also check our ERG page and sign up for grant alerts for application cycle dates and specific grant opportunities available this year.

Recent Tinnitus Grantees & Projects

Hearing Health Foundation is grateful to the Les Paul Foundation for their ongoing support of many of our Emerging Research Grants in the area of tinnitus. For a full list of ERG scientists funded by the Les Paul Foundation, their projects, and related publications and additional grants, please see the ERG Les Paul Foundation page here.