Meet the Researcher
“My earliest memory is when my father showed me how the leaves of the mimosa plant fold up when touched, during one of our nature walks. Constantly asking 'how?' and 'why?' set off an insatiable, lifelong curiosity about things unknown (also fed by my sister, who studied biology and medicine). At age 4, I was diagnosed with profound bilateral sensorineural hearing loss and started wearing hearing aids. I still wear them today. This has greatly affected my career decisions—to better understand and find solutions for hearing loss.”
—Victor Wong, Ph.D., Burke Neurological Institute, Weill Cornell Medicine
Through Meet the Researcher (MTR), Hearing Health Foundation (HHF) aims to explain the Emerging Research Grants (ERG) projects in lay terms. Also included are the researcher’s funded project title and abstract.
By showing how each scientist became interested in their work, MTR reveals the people behind the research, so our generous supporters can best connect with the impact of their donations.
Our grant recipient database can be searched by year (back to 2006) and research topic. Please note: The 2022 ERG cohort follows directly from the 2020 ERG grantees. Our grant year start and end dates changed, so the way we designate grant years has too. HHF hasn't skipped a year and there has been no interruption in funding.