The HRP’s Annual Research Projects (2016–2021)

In early 2021, the HRP reorganized its consortium members into three working groups. Please select a year or researcher below to see details about specific yearly research projects before this reorganization. We also have an archive of Hearing Health magazine stories about bioinformatics and other HRP updates below.


The HRP-funded gEAR (gene Expression Analysis Resource) portal, overseen by HRP scientist Ronna Hertzano, M.D., Ph.D., enables multi-omic data sharing and analysis in the ear field—and recently, has been adapted for neuroscientists as well. This gEAR-created figure shows the development of inner ear sensory cells in the zebrafish embryo five days after fertilization. Its resemblance to North America has made it easier to explain the hair cell regeneration goal of moving south from “Florida” (4) to “Cuba” (2).

Bioinformatics is an emerging discipline that uses information management and analysis tools to uncover relationships between large, disparate sets of data—like what has been generated by the Hearing Restoration Project (HRP). The HRP’s use of bioinformatics not only has uncovered genes that may play roles in hair cell regeneration but also provides an easier way to visualize and understand data.

These stories provide more details:

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