One Ear, Two Systems: The Relationship Between Balance and Hearing

In this installment of Hearing Health Hour, Hearing Restoration Project member and Emerging Research Grants alumna Jennifer Stone, Ph.D., a research professor of otolaryngology–head and neck surgery at the University of Washington, discusses the relationship between the vestibular (balance) and auditory (hearing) systems and explores how advances in research in one system can contribute to our understanding of the other. Both systems are located in the inner ear and share multiple aspects of physiology. Researcher and clinician James Phillips, Ph.D., who works closely with Stone, discusses vestibular disorders and treatments. This webinar originally aired on October 25, 2021.

Hearing Health Hour is a live webinar series that shares the latest developments in hearing and balance research through our community of funded researchers. All sessions include an interactive Q&A with the speaker.

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