The Impact of Your Legacy

Thanks to individuals like you, HHF is the nation's nonprofit leader in funding scientific research grants to improve the lives of the millions living daily with hearing and balance conditions. HHF fostered the development of cochlear implant technology, more effective hearing aids, and successful ear surgeries. Today the need for permanent cures remains urgent.

Your legacy gift supports the top-tier scientists in HHF's two primary research programs, the Hearing Restoration Project and Emerging Research Grants, to sustain their groundbreaking investigations.

The interconnected nature of hearing and balance research demonstrates that if we fund more basic science, we accelerate the design and deployment of more effective treatments.

Collette Ramsey Baker Society

Collette Ramsey Baker created our organization in gratitude for her restored hearing.

Collette Ramsey Baker created our organization in gratitude for her restored hearing.

The Collette Ramsey Baker Society was named after HHF's founder, who after living with a substantial hearing loss for many years, had her hearing restored by a then-novel surgery. In gratitude, Collette Ramsey Baker created a nonprofit organization to support hearing treatments and science called Deafness Research Foundation (now HHF). The Collette Ramsey Baker Society was established to recognize and thank individuals who generously include HHF in their estate plans. Through these planned gifts, members of the Collette Ramsey Baker Society provide support that enables HHF to remain the country's largest nonprofit funder of life-changing hearing and balance science—like the innovative research that helped Ms. Ramsey Baker regain her hearing.

We Honor Our Generous Members

An asterisk (*) indicates the individual is deceased.

Anonymous (18)
Patricia Abell*  
Starr Adams  
Kedar K. Adour  
H. Ajamian  
Michael Amos  
Lisa Angelina  
Mark J. Anton*  
Robert W. Appleman*  
Beverly W. Armstrong*  
Nancy J. Astle  
Heidi Aston  
Max Auguste  
Jewell Margaret Baggett-Strehlau  
Eleanor S. Bailey*  
Frank Baker  
Thelma Barklow  
Stephen Barnett  
Rose L. Bender*  
Margaret Bennett  
Phyllis Bernstein*  
Sabina Bilder  
V.W. Biskey  
Maura E. Black
Jerome G. Block*  
Kent W. Bloom  
A. Blumenschein  
Golde Bodek*  
Victoria Bogan  
Berniece Irene Booth*  
Lola B. Borchers*  
Marjorie Boselly*  
Martha K. Bosshart*  
Nancy Bradford*  
Russell Bratburd  
Dr. Carl A. Brown
Roger Bryan  
Keith A. Burden*  
Mildred C. Bussler*  
Daryl A. Byrd  
Christine A. Cagle  
Wallace E. Calhoun  
Lewis Callaghan  
Christopher W. Canino*  
Wanda Carroll  
Mary K. Cervantes  
Gladys Chinn*  
Jane P. Church*  
Victor C. Cirillo  
E. Garfield Claxton*  
William Claxton*  
Sarah Burkes Clem*  
Mrs. P. Clements  
Alan Clements  
Gertrude W. Cole*  
William C. Concannon  
Edward Conklin*  
A. Blanche Connor*  
Elizabeth Chafee Conway*
Jennifer Jean Cottreau 
Mr. and Mrs. Hewitt Covington*
Leonard F. Coyle*  
James V. Cresce*  
Agnes B. Cross  
Mabel-Alyce Cundiff*  
Joseph F. Cusick  
Aileen Bogle Daniels*  
Charles P. Daspit*  
Wally O. Deer  
Chris and Frank De Francesco
Joan De Graaff
Linda and Gordon Degroot
Luis J. Del Pino
Renee D. Delachaux*  
Russell Delisi  
Peter De Lucas  
Francesca Demane
Orlando B. DeMeio  
Patricia Burke Deutsch*  
Robert H. Devoe
Kenneth Devore
Mary Dike  
Dr. Bernice M. Dinner
Noemi Disla  
Carrie Dodd*  
Nelson C. Doland, Jr.*
Michael Dorsch  
Enda Dower  
Eardley Living Trust  
Robin Edwards  
Ronald R. Eisner  
Jerome Ellenberg*  
Eileen Elliott  
Robert A. Emnett*  
Laura Estephan
Rosalie Falbo  
Adele G. Faloon*  
Bert B. Farber  
Diane Colleen Fashing  
Frances R. Fee*  
Lasalle Felheim  
Louise S. Ferguson*  
Abraham Fink*  
John Fisher
J. Fitzgerald  
Louroe Fogo
Claire Freeman*  
Christana Freerks  
Marj Frieberg*  
Dr. Orel Friedman*  
Andrea Froland  
Lorraine H. Frost*  
Everette W. Frost*  
Dr. Meredith M. Garcia
Elizabeth L. Garmatz*  
Adalene Garretson*  
Anthony Geisert
Grace Gergen
Kerry R. Gifford*    

Eleanor O’Rorke*  
Mrs. W.H. Oldham  
Theresa Oles  
Mr. Lee Oltcher  
Robert H. Ossoff  
James J. Pappas, M.D.
Michael Y. Parker  
Carin L. Parsons  
Ruth Uppercu Paul*  
Arthur Pearson  
Barbara Peck  
Tom Phillips  
Evelyne T. Pontone*  
Jan Price  
Rose Price  
Joan M. Pristas*  
S.T. Proctor, Jr.
Ann Pruitt  
Jerrold Radway  
Eileen Raynor  
Mrs. Neil G. Ricci
Priscilla Richtmyer  
F. Rittenberg  
Albert M. Robbins  
Carmine Roberto  
Catherine Robinson*  
Ruth F. Roeper*  
Gretchen Rollman*  
Richard F. Rosenwald  
Vincenette Rotolo*  
M. Rowe  
Eileen M. Ryan*  
Anne P. Ryan*  
Katharine H. Ryder*  
Jane Sabin  
Frederick Sack
Mildred Salomon*  
Otto W. Schaefer  
Bernard Schapiro  
S.B. Schechter  
Milton J. Schloss, Jr.
Gerda Schulman  
James L. Schulz  
Howard F. Schum*  
Mrs. Frank A. Sharpe
Esther Shaw*  
Marjorie E. Shay*  
Edythe B. Sheinbaum*  
Moira Shek
Beverly Shulman  
Winston S. Shyatt*  
Robin B. Simkins  
Karen Skelly
Sadye Slayer  
Janet A. Sloane*  
Ruth R. Smith  
Elizabeth A. Smith*  
Elvera W. Smith*  
Florence G. Smith*  
Laura Snure  
Angela Solicalcio*  
Margaret Neumeyer Sommer*  
Gloria H. Spadaro*  
Gladys Raiter Spargo*  
George Spatz*  
Jacqueline Spencer*
Frances B. Sperry*  
Amber Spooner  
William Springer
Irene E. Stallings*  
Melvin D. Steiner  
Philip E. Stephenson  
Norma M. Stravato*  
John Stewart Strehlau  
Nancy C. Sutton  
Edwin Sved  
Alexander Szeremeta  
James A. Taylor  
Patricia Tellep*  
Ollie J. Thomas  
George N. Thomas  
Tara Lashay Thompson
Margaret Tolson  
Geno Tozzini  
Helen and Richard Trcka*
David Treworgy  
Anne Van Heukelom
Erika Verbeck*  
Hermann E. Vogelstein  
Loretta Vogt*  
Evelyn M. Waddell  
Frank Wagner  
Roger A. Waha  
Ken Waitzmann  
Celeste Waldauer*  
Jonathan Wallace
Peggie K. Wallace  
Ken Warner  
Marjorie H. Warren*  
Matthew Watson  
Kenneth Weismann*  
Donald Wesler  
Mrs. Odell West  
Carol E. Whittier  
Hettie Wiedeman*  
Harry Wiederhorn*  
Marguerite M. Wilke*  
Da’Monique Wilkins
Eluned Williams*  
Floyd T. Winningham  
Stanley Wittelshoefer*  
Doug Wolfe  
Elizabeth Woodward  
Josephine B. Wootton*  
John A. Wootton*  
Marjorie Youngloff
Edward S. Zehler*  
H.J. Zoffer  
Michael Zubeck  

Anna May W. Gillett
Elizabeth Giorgianni*  
Vincent Giuliano*  
Dorothy H. Gleiser*  
Betsy R. Glick  
Cynthia B. Godfrey*  
Irving Arnold Goldberg*  
Debra Goldman*  
Morton Goldsmith*  
Bernard S. Goldstein  
Maurice Gomila  
Irene Goodman  
Sharon Graham  
Elsie Greenhut*  
Florence Grillella  
Martha M. Guckert*  
Lynn R. Gussack  
Ronald Gustafson  
Dr. Mark L. Haerle
Shirley J. Hagens*  
Elaine Hall*  
Eileen B. Halvorson*  
Millicent Halvorson*  
Sue N. Harl  
Shelley Harrison  
Margaret Hauenstein*  
Sophie Haut*  
Sonia Heifetz  
Mrs. R.B. Heilig
Sid M. Henry  
Harriet Paulk Hessam  
Tawab Hessam  
M. Irene Hettick*    
Timothy Higdon  
Mary F. Hodge  
Sarah T. Hodge  
Donald Hodges  
Erma B. Holl*  
Mary U. Hollidge*
Nancy Lynne Hollis 
Charles N. Hooper  
Earl V. Horning*  
Earl C. Hull*  
Jessie W. Ingram*  
Muriel B. Jackson  
Thomas M. Jackson*  
Helen A. Jackson*  
Lois Jacob
T.A. Jacobs  
Ruth C. Johnson*  
Elizabeth P. Jordan*  
Josef E. Josephs*  
Pearl G. Kaufman  
Elizabeth M. Keithley  
Marie Kelsey
Marion Kennedy*  
Alfred M.F. Kiddle*  
Doris J. Kizer*  
Keith O. Kizer*  
Janet Knowles*  
Betty Knox*  
Janice and Cary Kopcynzski
Frank Kovachik
Harry J. Krokus, Jr.*
Marie F. Labozzetta*  
Katharine L. Lahee*  
Libby Geller Lynch Landman*
Shirley J. Lane  
Betty Larson  
Lois V. Leach*  
Theresa H. Leask*  
Tom Lebel
Yishane Lee  
Dr. Sally Lee
Julia Lee*  
Jack Leishear
Maria Leitgob  
Miriam P. Leslie*  
Jane Ludington  
Norton M. Luger*  
Audrey L. Lundell*  
Douglas Lynch  
Elizabeth S. and Michael Maholchic
Mary Mahoney  
Lauren Marcus and Jay Grushkin  
Gail Marino
Stephen Maroon
Joan Marsi*  
Frank F. Martin  
Elizabeth L. McAnulty*  
Mary B. McCandless*  
Waverly L. McCoy  
Florence D. McCoy*  
Madge R. McCracken*  
H.R. McLane
Debbie and Mark McLaughlin  
Alison McLean  
Heinrich A. Medicus*  
Margaret Mellody*  
Helen H. Merriam*  
Michael W. Miles  
Jane P. Miller  
Alyse M. Mills*  
Robert Cleo Mitchell*  
Ron Mix
Heidi Monnier 
Murray S. Monroe  
Harriet B. Morrison*  
David M. Morse  
Ruth Mulcahy  
Lucille Nester*  
Lucille E. Nestler*  
Stan Neumann  
Shirley B. Nielson*  
Kellie Nix  
Michael C. Nolan  
Charles H. Norris, Ph.D.
Harold B. Norris*