
How Neurons in the Brain Coordinate Movement and Prevent Falls

Activity by special neurons called unipolar brush cells reveals that they may introduce delays or increase the length of firing responses, and presumably extend vestibular sensory representations. 

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The Link Between Diabetes and Hearing

When a family member received a diagnosis of diabetes more than seven years ago, as an audiologist I tried to find information related to hearing problems associated with diabetes. I realized few people knew about the research connecting hearing loss and balance issues to this chronic disease.

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Postural and Head Control Given Different Environmental Contexts

Fall risk in people with hearing loss has been shown in older adults, and our pilot data suggest balance impairments in people with single-sided hearing are more likely to arise in older participants with moderate dizziness.

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Aging Actively

Aging actively is more than a phrase. It’s about extending healthy life expectancy and quality of life for all people as they age. We all know that connecting to one another and our physical world is absolutely vital in preserving our wellbeing, so as we think of our five senses, many would agree that hearing plays an important role in maintaining our quality of life.

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Hearing Better Through the Ages

If you’re diagnosed with a hearing loss, remember: Hearing loss is not only very common, it’s also very treatable! A licensed audiologist or hearing healthcare professional can discuss options with you, including hearing aids and assistive listening devices.

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