Security Updates to HHF Donation Page: Action Required
By Lauren McGrath
Hearing Health Foundation (HHF) is committed to maintaining transparency with our constituents. In addition to our pledge that all contributions are well-invested—100% of all donations benefit our critical research and awareness programs—HHF promises to uphold data security best practices with online gifts.
We request that you make two simple updates to you ensure you can donate to HHF online in the future. Follow the links included here for guidance making the changes:
Update your operating system (OS) on your Apple or Windows computer to the most up-to-date version.
Update your internet browser to the most up-to-date version.
Our online giving page will be inaccessible to users who do not complete these changes by March 15, 2018.
The updates are required because today's industry standard security features are no longer compatible with older systems. Ensuring that your OS and internet browser are fully up-to-date is the best way to protect your donation and guarantee it is processed safely. This is an industry-wide requirement to ensure the highest level of security when processing all financial transactions.
Please contact us at if you require assistance making these changes or have any questions about the security of our donation platform.